Just Molting or Sick???


Aug 10, 2023
Na-Au-Say, IL
We have a few hens going through their first molt. I noticed some loss of feathers, and some pinfeathers starting for probably the last three to four weeks.

About a week and a half ago, I noticed some of those hens acting more lethargic than normal. Standing by themselves, not eating or drinking as frequently, or even just hanging out in the coop. I wrote it off to just molting, till I saw our cockerel starting to look lethargic too. Being hatched in April I figured it’s too soon for him to molt, and he doesn’t look to have any feather loss.

So, I dosed everyone’s water for a week with Corid. Everyone seems to have become more active and acting more normally except for one. For the last two days she’s basically been hanging out in the coop either on the roost in the nesting box area or on the floor. It looks like most of her poop was very runny as it’s falling on my rollout boxes.

Not sure if she’s just having a rough time of her first malt, or if it’s something like coccidiosis. Here’s a few photos love to hear your thoughts.


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She’s about 1.5 years old, I have all my chickens on starter food, nutrena, since I have some young ones still.
I believe her feathers were clean, I’ll double check in a little while.
She’s not pale, but she’s doesn’t have the brightest red in the flock either…
I’ve put her in a dog crate in the run for now, with some food and Corid laced water. Figured eating can only help
You could be writing about my chicken. She is 1.5 years old and doing the exact same things. I am keeping an eye on her every couple of hours during the day. Her crop doesn’t seem to be empty completely in the morning. So I have been giving her poultry cell every other day for nutritional help.The are all eating Flock raiser, with oyster shell and grit offered on the side. She eats a minimal amount, but drinks fine. I have her isolated at night in a crate in the coop. During the day, I open the crate and let her retreat to it as she wants. Some ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

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