Just my week of fun.


Flock Goddess
13 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Weymouth, Massachusetts
Two days after Obelisk went AWOL, I heard EE,EE and I was like "ok that's a hawk...well I went out a couple of hours later and I had some feathers in the yard. ok that means that dinner wasn't from my yard. I look next door and it's like a pillow factory explosion...they're a nice couple with a year old daughter...I didn't want to have them have to explain this to her. So I went over and picked up as many feathers as I could...I looked where alot of the feathers were and there was a very surprised looking pigeon looking up at me...Sort of like, Have you seen the rest of me? So that went into the bag too...
Now this past week, there's been a robin making a nest in the maple sapling outside my dining room window...she was sitting yesterday all day, but disappearing around dusk. I figured that maybe it was poop and eat time and she'd be back. Well she wasn't there this morning, nor this afternoon...I was afraid that I disturbed her and she took off. Well, I wish that was the case, because I found the whole top of the nest on the ground and the remains of 2 lovely blue eggs broken and eaten. I feel really bad, but I would've felt worse if she had been setting longer and there were chicks. DH thinks it was a squirrel and seeing as how I saw one eat a baby sparrow, it wouldn't surprise me...but what else could've done it? Any other ideas?
Nope, just his head was there...It was a guy down the street's racing pigeon...guess that's an easy way to cull the slow ones.
A squirrel ate a baby sparrow??!

Holey purple socks, I never thought of them as predators!!
Bird food stealing, bird feeder chewing, annoyances, yes, but...man, the things I learn here!
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Squirrels are the leading predators of small baby birds and eggs in most suburban areas. They are actually quite aggressive predators of small, weak creatures. I'd be willing to be money it was a squirrel.

Other than that, a raccoon would be a good guess.

Haven't seen a masked bandit since I treed the one that killed Tom...
I even had a squirrel jump out of a tree onto Obelisk's back and start punching her in the head with it's furry fists. I chased it away and that's when he went and scooped out the sparrow baby...blech.
The male robin was on top of the neighbour's house looking for his mate, I would guess. she's long gone...but a sparrow was checking out the base of the nest.
Ok, that's horrible...

But the mental image you drew just gave me this crazy cartoon squirrel with boxing gloves, punching away and going, EH! EH!Gotcha! Take that! And THAT'S for giving me a dirty look! EH!" And.. um.. I had to laugh. So my apologies... Ok.. still trying to stop...

But.. still horrible. I felt kinda bad that we have NONE on our property (haven't seen any since the first summer 3 years ago). My cats are big hunters. Guess I'll stop feeling quite so bad about it now.

Sounds like a case of 'Squirrels gone Wild'. Heh heh..okay, I'm with QotL on this one. Funny mental image. Glad Obelisk was okay, though.
Try to remember to start out with everyones ok but......
You scared me untill I got down 5 or six sentences. We need a Whew!!!! smilie

Funny, sounds like its time for squirrel dinner.

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