Just sharing my pics

I'm in northern middle TN. Right on the KY/TN line.
Skeeter9, it took about 6 yrs to get our yard the way I wanted it. I finally got smart and started using perinnials instead of annuals. I mostly have hostas and dianthus, phlox and monkey grass. Which by the way chickens love hostas and m. grass. They will tear it all to heck. So i have had to fence off what I don't want ruined.The plants take very little effort to maintain. I'm testing out ivy this year around my trees. I'll have to keep it cut back but I saw a house with it around their trees and it looked so lush and beautiful.
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What kind of plants do you have in your landscaping? Do the girls dig in the mulch? I soooo want to do some landscaping but Im worried the chickens will dig it up.

Does anyone else have flowers?
kingsdaughter ...I mostly have hostas and dianthus, phlox and monkey grass. Which by the way chickens love hostas and m. grass. They will tear it all to heck. So i have had to fence off what I don't want ruined.The plants take very little effort to maintain. I'm testing out ivy this year around my trees. I'll have to keep it cut back but I saw a house with it around their trees and it looked so lush and beautiful.
Hi Countrygirl! I had to pipe up too and tell you what a beautiful home, yard, family & chickens you have, and your big black blob is even bigger then my big black beast. Mine is a 105lb lab mix, also named Abby! (Abby Normal actually)

We are also lucky enough to have a creek, I bet your Abby spends as much time as mine in the creek!

Looks like lots of mowing! Do have critters that do it? We've been in our house a year now and have some things planted (the deer eat most of that), but plan to leave most of the six acres natural. I stake out our mules and horse to do all of the mowing that way.

How long did it take you to get that yard looking like that?

Mulemom, about 6yrs. W've been there for 16 yrs. Alot of back breaking work. But I would rather be out in the sun doing yard work than sitting on my butt at the office. And right now that's all I do is sit on my butt at the office... but i digress... Abby...(Abigail, the 1st of Portland Tn) is nothing but a big lazy hairy beast. For a Newfie she doesn't spend much time in the water which is weird cuz they are water dogs. She likes to spend her day under the house where it is cool. She comes out at night and lounges.
We mow about 3.5 of the 5 acres. I love a big yard!! So do my chicks.

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