Just stopping by to say hello


11 Years
Dec 31, 2008
Greetings, to all the chichen lovers out in cyberland. We too have joined the poultry family this past March. I asked for my girls for my birthday and have continually turned heads with them ever since. Our small mixed flock of 12 have grown into a nice group of ladies and are producing a steady supply of fresh free range eggs every day. Being new to raising ckickens I am forever in need of answers to the questions that arise almost on a daily basis. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on from the library. But you just can't beat first hand experience, that's where all of you come in. I hope to gleam some thrifty tips and insight into the best way to keep them healthy, happy and producing. Looking forward to reading all that you have shared thus far.

See you around the coop!
Nice to see a fellow Georgian! Assuming you are from Georgia of course, lol
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Welcome fellow Georgian. I'm a Texas transplant but live in NE GA now.

Yes, you will probably find an answer to all your questions here. The people are very nice and knowledgeable.

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