Just wondering?

WOW sorry about your rain issues. I have seen a roo on youtube swim but I don't think anyone should try that at home. I hope there's lots of sun in the future forecast!
I posted a similar post earlier.
I was wondering if they could get something like foot rot from walking around in muddy water for sooooo many days.

PS - What do you do w/ your chickens during hurricane season?
I'll find out... this is my first year with them.

It'll be hard for me also because i'm a firefighter/paramedic and will not be home for being recalled into work
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Funny you should ask this....just the other day I was at my moms house, we were trying to get one of her chickens up that wondered to the other side of the lake. Just as she was about to pick it up her dog ran over and scared it and it flew right into the lake. I thought for sure it was a gonner but NOPE! It swam right back to the shore and she picked it up. It swam a good ways too.
Long story short....YES THEY CAN!!!!!
To answer your question, chickens cannot swim. A co-worker of mine had a chicken that was the results of a chicken and duck mating. They hatched the eggs in their Incubator and when the chick hatched it looked like a chicken but had webbed feet. It grew up ok. About a month ago it was found dead in their cows pond apparently it had drowned.

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