Kaiser Rolls


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
Best Kaiser Rolls I have ever made. Make dough night before and bake in am for lunch or dough in morning for evening baking.

3.5 to 4 cups flour (I just made a batch with half multigrain flour and it worked great)
1.5 teaspoon yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 Tablespoon butter
1 egg
1 egg white
1.25 cups hot water

Mix dry in your mixer’s bowl or large bowl if you’re kneading by hand. To the hot water add your butter to melt then the egg and egg white to warm up, stir with fork. Add to dry and mix for 2 minutes on slow then 5 minutes next speed up, back to slow for 2 more. Sorry, no idea how long that would be by hand, have not tried this one that way.

Place dough (which should be too wet to handle easy, still sticky, but all gathered by kneading hook or just manageable by hand) in a large zip lock bag that has been oiled lightly inside and place in fridge. When it has doubled in volume open bag and drop on counter few times to knock down dough and get rid of air. Work it a bit in the bag and then exclude all air, zip bag and put back in fridge overnight or all day.

Divide dough into 14 to 18 pieces depending on size buns you want. Roll into ball and then squish ball into flat circle. Take 8 points of the outside of the circle and press into center to create flower petal pattern bun and place on sheet to rise in warm place for one hour. If you want poppy seeds or anything on top sprinkle on before rising.

Do not preheat oven. Put buns in and set to 300 degrees. When it comes up to temperature time for about 20 minutes if like me you have made 16 buns. Ready when internal temp is 190 -200 degrees. I use my oven to rise as it has a bread proofing setting so I just cancel that and then set it to bake.

For extra soft crust brush bun tops with butter prior to turning on oven. These buns are soft golden crust even without that. I found that will 2 sheets of them in best to switch racks half way or leave bottom rack for 3 min more when top ready.

Exceptional for sandwiches or hamburgers. Smaller ones we use for an eggwhich on the way to work with some ham or bacon and cheese.

I love that I can do the dough in the eve before I go to bed and form the buns in the am over coffee, they rise while I do morning chores and bake while I have breakfast. Cool all morning and fresh for lunch yet is seems like I did nothing due to the stages being so broken up and the time usually devoted to something else anyway rather than set up for making bread. See if it works for your schedule!
thank you for sharing, I am going to bake some this weekend. yammi
Thank you so much!! I have a batch of the one bread recipe I got off of here with NO kneading or eggs or anything usual and we love them rising as we read and converse!! I jazzed them up today for subs for lunch, with Italian seasoning, and garlic powder . . .I love yeast breads. Not really good at them, but I love to mess with dough!!! Another jewel to add to my ever expanding recipe book. I have so many recipes, I took a huge binder (the kind that businesses use that is 4-6 thick) and I invested heavily in the plastic protectors. I cut my recipes down to glue to plain typing paper, both sides and slide them in the sleeves. I sort them according to type. didn't do that at first and I will spend a lot of time trying to find that ONE particular recipe in that early section. . .but it works great and I will have quite a legacy for my youngest daughter who loves this kind of stuff too!!
I work for a company that is spelled very similar to Kaiser.
I've actually had people ask me if I make those rolls.

Once I said yes.
I made these yesterday and they turned out terrific. I kept a few out for sandwiches and froze the rest; Ill see how the frozen ones turn out. Great recipe. I also used whole grain flour for part of it.
I have a roll recipe that is similar, but I hope to try these soon.
They are a bit different and they sound good. I like the idea of making the dough ahead.

Thanks for sharing.

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