Keep the extra cockerel?


May 19, 2023
Hello chicken lovers! My first flock is 4 and 3 wks old. I have 16 females and 2 boys (barred rock and a blue Meran... the Meran was supposed to be a girl). The boys are 4 wks old and get along great with each other - now. They were chest bumping at around 2 and 3 was old, but now get along very peacefully. 50% of the girls hang out with one, and the other 50% with the other, although everyone generally mixes together well.
I'm wondering if I could get away with keeping the two cockerels. Once grown, they will all be in a 8x10 coop and a 16x20 run with options to free range when we're home. The Rock is more assertive but nothing bad in any way. The Meran is more laid back and low key, less assertive with me and with the other chicks.
I'm sure much will change when they are hormonal, but I'm wondering if It's worth trying them out together in this scenario or if I should give the extra away. Your thoughts, experience and feed back works be great!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
They may work it out as they sexually mature or they may not. You might want to have accommodations to put the two of them into when they hit sexual maturity several weeks before the pullets will be ready for them. Adding an awful lot of clutter to your run will also help let them have their own territories so to speak. I would add pallets leaning up against the sides of the run, stumps, old wooden chairs and stools, branches attached to the sides of the run, whatever you can think of to add structure to the run so that it's more interesting space with places to get out of the line of sight of each other should a scuffle occur.
Welcome to BYC! You might be able to pull it off, but it really will depend on the temperament of the boys. Just be watchful as they mature, and be ready to separate them if it's necessary. They may fight, and they may over breed the pullets. But they might be fine. I've had it go both ways. Good luck with them! :)

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