Keeping a few female call ducks with a flock of chickens?

Jun 12, 2022
Southern California Mountains
Curious if it’s a good idea to introduce a few (2-3) female call ducks to a flock of chickens? I really like that the call ducks are small and more similar to the size of standard chickens… would they get along fine? I definitely know not to have a drake with my hens. My chickens live in a 1,450 sq ft predator proofed chicken yard/run with fruit trees, plants and a nice deep litter system. I like that ducks are good with slug and snail control since my chickens will refuse to eat those from the fruit trees. Anyways, just wondering if anyone has any good/bad experiences with housing call ducks with chickens! Thanks!
My call ducks sort of live with my chickens. Their pen is about 10' x 30' and the chickens hop over to steal their food. With just 2-3 call ducks, I think you'll be okay, just keep an eye on the muddyness react accordingly.
I have 6 call ducks and 9 chickens that live together just fine in a 14x8 coop. They have access to 2 different runs, but they usually all hang out together anyway. Like @casportpony said, watch how wet and muddy the coop and runs are.

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