Keeping peacocks fenced in a pasture

Tom Kathleen

6 Years
Mar 18, 2017
QUESTION: Will clipping a peacock's flight feathers and adding bird netting to the top of our cattle fencing for a total of 9 foot high fences keep my peacocks home? Is clipping the flight feathers safe? (I do NOT mean pinning -- just clipping one wing's flight feathers) Peafowl are 2 years old and never had wings clipped.

BACKGROUND/SPECIFIC SITUATION: We have had peafowl for 2 years. They come home at night and range in the day. They hang out on our roof, with our chickens and in our big pine tree most of the time. We have 16 acres. On our road, the houses are about 20 feet from the road, with the farming land being behind and to the sides of the houses (no long driveways off the main road). Unfortunately, a few times, they have gone across the street. The neighbor's adult daughter messaged us today that the 2 peacocks had been on the roof of their house and on her mom's car and she "has video and hopes they didn't do any damage to my mother's car." Everyone else on the street thinks they're great, loves them, and they rarely leave our property. In fact, I got the message today, but they've been locked up for the last week due to bad weather here (we didn't want them to get lost in the snow and fog). Keep in mind this entire area is zoned agricultural and we all receive tax credits as such, this is NOT a regular neighborhood. My husband wants to go over and talk to the actual people who live there (not the daughter) and see if THEY have a problem with the peacocks, but I just want to keep my peacocks home and be a good neighbor. The neighbor that lives there is very "different" and we've heard them having screaming fits in the front yard and such, so me, personally, I'd rather just find a way to make sure my peacocks won't go over there (I don't want them to poison or shoot my peacocks -- I'm not saying they would, but they're very strange and my daughter did say she'd be worried they might do something to the birds). We have the peacocks locked up now, and they have a very large indoor area and a screened in porch area (but not a flying run -- the screened in area is only 10 feet high and it's 10x10 so they can't really fly in there). We are locking them up now until we can get the fencing higher and wings clipped, but keeping them in fulltime is not an option since they don't have a flying run. We have coyotes and foxes because this area is rural. We free range our chickens, but they stay close to home and we have 2 donkeys and geese that protect them. Did I mention I have a broken ankle and care for my 83 year old dad full-time? Needed to have to trouble-shoot this like I needed a hole in my head! Trying to find a solution that lets peacocks roam IN MY FARM, but still keeps them reasonably safe from predators in which I can tell neighbors "we've done X, Y and Z and if they do happen to get out, please call us and we'll come bring them home." P.S. Their dog gets out and comes into our driveway a few times a month, we just watch to make sure it gets safely home and doesn't lay in the street. A few years ago, the man came over and said he wasn't sure if his dog got one of our chickens, but sometimes it gets out. I said, we'll keep an eye out for your dog, but I know you're trying to keep it in and if a chicken is roaming too far afield, that's a risk we have to assume."
I hate confrontation too. I'm definitely not timid, I just don't like to waste my time and effort.
Hopefully you can make them some sort of flight pen, my birds are penned up all the time but have a 100 foot fly pen to live in.
I hate confrontation too. I'm definitely not timid, I just don't like to waste my time and effort.
Hopefully you can make them some sort of flight pen, my birds are penned up all the time but have a 100 foot fly pen to live in.
Or you can clip there wings!! I clipped my old peacocks wings!! He did okay.
Or you can clip there wings!! I clipped my old peacocks wings!! He did okay.
Did you clip both wings or just one? Did that limit his flight or remove flight completely? I have heard so many horrible things about clipping them and them being exposed to predators. But I remind myself I heard the same things about chickens and I clip one wing on all my chickens (I have 140 layers I free range). I clip chickens at 18 weeks, they can't fly. Then they forget to fly and I never have to clip them again even though all their feathers grow back after moults. The only losses I've suffered has been from them roaming REALLY far out on the 16 acres in the forest, and they would have been caught anyway even if their wings weren't clipped. I'm hoping it might work the same for peacocks? P.S. THANK YOU for weighing in. I hate the idea of keeping the birds in all the time.
Did you clip both wings or just one? Did that limit his flight or remove flight completely? I have heard so many horrible things about clipping them and them being exposed to predators. But I remind myself I heard the same things about chickens and I clip one wing on all my chickens (I have 140 layers I free range). I clip chickens at 18 weeks, they can't fly. Then they forget to fly and I never have to clip them again even though all their feathers grow back after moults. The only losses I've suffered has been from them roaming REALLY far out on the 16 acres in the forest, and they would have been caught anyway even if their wings weren't clipped. I'm hoping it might work the same for peacocks? P.S. THANK YOU for weighing in. I hate the idea of keeping the birds in all the time.
NO only clip one wing feather!! Not both!!
Did you clip both wings or just one? Did that limit his flight or remove flight completely? I have heard so many horrible things about clipping them and them being exposed to predators. But I remind myself I heard the same things about chickens and I clip one wing on all my chickens (I have 140 layers I free range). I clip chickens at 18 weeks, they can't fly. Then they forget to fly and I never have to clip them again even though all their feathers grow back after moults. The only losses I've suffered has been from them roaming REALLY far out on the 16 acres in the forest, and they would have been caught anyway even if their wings weren't clipped. I'm hoping it might work the same for peacocks? P.S. THANK YOU for weighing in. I hate the idea of keeping the birds in all the time.
My peacoke never flew because I clipped his wings do not worry about jut clip his wings!
NO only clip one wing feather!! Not both!!
Okay thanks! Same as chickens. QUESTIONS: When you clipped your old peacock, did he still flutter/flap fly? or eventually give up. PS THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART for taking the time to advise. SO appreciated!!! Don't want them bugging neighbors, but don't want them eaten either -- hard to walk that line.
I would not suggest clipping chicken feathers unless its necessary!! They need to roost!!
Absolutely!!! I do it when they're 18 weeks when they first free range so they don't fly over the fences. Then never again. They moult, end up with all their feathers but their brain never asks them to fly (except to get on their roost). Chickens are so easy compared to guineas and peacocks!!!! But the peacocks were a gift to my daughter from my dad after my mom died (we cared for my mom at home with Alzheimers, she died at home with us and it was really hard on my 13 year old daughter). So we love the peacocks and are glad we have them, but they're a little less predicatable.

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