Kentucky people

Still no sign of her.
Shared on my FB page, too. Surely someone has seen her.
Hi and welcome!
I live in Bloomfield, just down the road from you. I would offer the suggestion of Orpingtons. They are very gentle and docile, not to mention large. I started off with them for that reason, but have stayed with them. I purchased six chicks from a friend and told myself that was more than enough. Be warned chickens are like potato chips. I now have 20. The most common are the Buff Orps, but, I raise Blue, Black and Splash varieties. I have also gotten into bearded Silkies. They are really cute. It depends on what you want out of your chickens. Do you want eggs for the table and or meat? Do you want to keep a Rooster and raise a few chicks? I started out slowly to figure out which way to go. The coops I have are progressing. I hope to one day have a walk in. I am no expert but have enough knowledge to help you out. BYC offers tons of help from real chicken experts. It's a great place to start. You can purchase some chickens at a swap. Just be careful and make sure to isolate them for a couple of weeks from any other birds that you may have gotten. You will want to make sure that they are healthy. I have a tendency to become a chicken snob, because I like the lines of Orpingtons that I have. I have not found them at a swap unless they were a cull. You can research the breeds and figure out what fits you. Drop me a line any time. I have a Facebook page called Idle Hour Farm. Stop by and Like it. Again Welcome!

aka Lisa Z.
gosh. Kentucky people haven't posted here in a long time...well anyways, I am new and loving this site for information. My fiancé and I just bought some land in Taylorsville, Ky and want to raise chickens. We know nothing about them. I was wondering what type of chickens do well in KY? Thanks
I'm in Taylorsville too. Are you in town or furthur out?
Kentucky has a great climate for most any breed of chicken. You may have to watch the heat when it shoots over 100. Plenty of water and a fan. And straight combed chickens may need a coating of petroleum jelly on their combs when it gets frosty. I generally go by personality myself. Try googling Henderson's Chicken Chart. You can compare many many breeds easily. I used it when choosing breeds.
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Hello Im new to the BYC site too...Your not far from me I am in Fern creek just outside Mt Washington...I am also new to having chickens...just started this spring my babies range in age from 3-7 weeks...Dominiques (might have misspelled that) are on my list too...I would be interested in looking at any extra marans chicks you hatch out...
Hi, wasn't sure exactly who you were responding to, but I'm in Taylorsville, about 8 minutes outside Mt. Washington.
Nice to finally see some people from the area! I think only 2 of my Maran eggs are viable, but I may have some extra Lavender Ameraucanas in a few days and possibly some extra Welsummers in about 3 weeks (they're going in the incubator in the morning).
Thank you so much GardenGirl73 for the tip about the Henderson Chicken Breed Chart, very easy to understand and just what I needed. I am about 7 minutes outside of Taylorsville on 44 towards Mt. Washington. My friend just informed me of the Shepherdsville chicken market that gathers on Saturday mornings, much like a farmers market. I will check that out and keep you posted on anything good :)
Anyone in east KY? We've been looking at land, hopefully the northern part of east KY. Would love to hear from anyone in the area on how you like it. We've planning on hopefully selling here in middle TN and buying a big tract of land up there to build a house and a nice big barn for chickens! While I prefer the NE part of the state, any place to the east of Lex is good for me. Want to stay well into the mountains in a VERY rural area. We don't do big cities at all and are hoping to find a town similar to the one we're in now in TN with friendly neighbors that wave as they pass and stop in to say hi and have a cup of coffee, watch out for each other, etc. If anyone is in the east part of the state and can offer thoughts on towns, feel free to message me. I'd love to meet some chicken people over there.

Towns we've been looking at so far are Barbourville, Hinkle, Prestonburg, Raccoon, Williamsburg, McKee, Manchester, Sandy Hook, Harold, Booneville, Mousie, Langley, Denton, Moorehead, Olive Hill, Grayson, and Tomahawk.

Our feathered friends are listed in my signature line. I'm picking up three more chickens Monday and all I know so far is one is a Barred Rock. The others didn't look familiar to me, though I'm VERY new to the chicken world, so I'll have to post their photos when they get home!
We're on Furnace Mountain near the Powell/Estill Co line, equidistant from Stanton, Irvine and Clay City. I can recommend the Red River Gorge region. Many of the deep mountain places you mentioned, like say Mousie, Tomohawk, Booneville, McKee or such, can take a while to fit into socially. Estill and Powell have drawn outsiders (not related to anyone; returning relatives who come back in a generation don't count) since the 1970's, so they sort of know what to do with us. We have enjoyed living here since 1996. Get involved in church, scouts or something and you'll settle right in. I also recommend West Liberty, Morehead, Olive Hill...there are pockets of places where retirees, Mother Earth News types, etc congregate here and there.
We're on Furnace Mountain near the Powell/Estill Co line, equidistant from Stanton, Irvine and Clay City. I can recommend the Red River Gorge region. Many of the deep mountain places you mentioned, like say Mousie, Tomohawk, Booneville, McKee or such, can take a while to fit into socially. Estill and Powell have drawn outsiders (not related to anyone; returning relatives who come back in a generation don't count) since the 1970's, so they sort of know what to do with us. We have enjoyed living here since 1996. Get involved in church, scouts or something and you'll settle right in. I also recommend West Liberty, Morehead, Olive Hill...there are pockets of places where retirees, Mother Earth News types, etc congregate here and there.
Ok, thanks for the info! The land we were really leaning toward did sell and our second choice was some land in Raccoon. I'm hoping we can go up the second weekend of May and take a peek at some areas. I've got to go to NC this weekend and to Florida mid month in May, but the weekend between I'm really crossing my fingers we can run up to KY, even if only for a few days. :)
We live in Greenville KY or Muhlenberg County! We specialize in Silkies and starting English Jubilee Orps and Lav Orps! Always looking for more cutie pies! Glad to find a thread of people that are closer to home! We also have our laying flock of assorted pure breds, barred rocks, buff orp, ISA Browns, RIR, Americanas, marans, SLW, and I'm sure i forgot some! LOL

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