Kindle Fire

They are coming out on the 15th and I am going to go to Best Buy to play with it in person before I decide if I want to upgrade my kindle. I have to see things before I buy them, but I think I really want it. Did you pre-order it?
Yes I did. I normally do not do that....but I was very intrigued. I have a regular Kindle and will give it to my that justifies it.....right?
Of course. Mine will go to my mother. And I am intrigued too. VERY much so. I have read a lot of comparison reviews between Kindle Fire, Nook Color and iPad, and Kindle comes out on top every time.
Don't have mine on pre order but I am getting one for Christmas!!
I order one for DW for Christmas. I'm tired of her bothering me to use my Kindle--then Amazon sends me suggestions for books I don't want.
I've pre-ordered one. I have/had a Kindle already, but can't find it.... (Hence the "had" choice.) It's probably in a box here somewhere.

It must be obvious I have no self-control. Ah well, at least I'm not buying illegal drugs!

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