Knee surgery wednesday(update with good news)

thanks for all the support i went to get my final check up today and the doctor said everything was good to go and they have my replacement ACL ready to go...i am tired of not being able to play sports with my buds
Send an update when you can.
to a speedy recovery!
Probably not Wednesday or a few days after, especially if they do the total nerve numbing thing,,,can't remember the name, but you will not feel your leg for a day or so. Really weird.
my DH tore his meniscus and had laproscopic surgery a few months ago, he was up the same day and took only mortin 800mg for the pain, it was a quick procedure and he is much better now, his acl was ok, so I cant comment on that procedure, but I hope you have a fast recovery also. Just make sure you do what the doctor says and dont push yourself to do too much too soon.
well i had the surgery today and everything went great the replacement ACL went in perfectly and right now i have no pain due to a nerve block shot i recieved in my leg...thanks for all the support
Therapy!!! DO it like your life depends on it, cause it does!!! The QUALITY of it does anyway!!! follow directions, without over-doing!! I had my left ACL replaced and I was warned that I needed to keep BOTH strong to support the joints, some people only strengthen the one and wind up blowing out the other one because of that.

Mine was replaced with a chunk of my own hammy (hamstring) but each person can be different... I too used mostly 800 mg motrins... aren't they WONDERFUL!!! I don't do well with narcotic type meds, I get too wonky!!!

Get Well SOON!!!!

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