Knitted egg holster to incubate chicks WITHOUT a 'bator...the brabator


12 Years
Mar 12, 2007
Central Missouri
Okay, as I was watching one of my hens lay an egg, I thought, "Hmmm, it would be cool if I could just hatch a couple of eggs without a 'bator OR without the hen doing it. Just me hatching them all by myself."

Before you read this, please know that I know it sounds really funny
and I sound a little loopy
, but I promise I'm not.

Then, I was thinking about how I really wanted to get started on my latest knitting project, and it clicked. Wouldn't it be cool if I could knit a - (okay, I know it's hilarious
) - little holster to hold one to four eggs, that I could tie around my self and maybe be able to fit in my bra or something (that's the warmest spot on my entire body) and try to hatch some eggs from it!?!?!?

I know that's it's probably impossible that I could even hatch one chick from it, considering the atmospheric conditions would have to be just right, and the stars would have to line up exactly into place for it to happen - but wouldn't it be cool?

I think I'm going to try it.
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Any ideas to help me would be appreciated.

I am looking for ideas on -
How not to crush them at night if I happen to roll over.
And other things. I will put them here when I think of them.
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I think there was some thing where a bunch of women were trying to hatch eggs in their bras for some reason. I don't think any hatched though as body T is a few degrees too low for proper chick incubation. Hen temp is about 102 deg.
Lol, I do that too! Except it's just usually my cell phone and a knife

Wow, I didn't know people might have tried it before! Cool!
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If you read the topic that I just posted, I think someone said that a lady did hatch some and named them that.

Wow! I thought I was a first-timer, but I guess I'm not!
Apparently some women tried to hatch some before and called them the brabators
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