Korean Hanhyap (Tojon): is it even a breed? Or what?


May 10, 2024
As I am always on the look-up for dual purpose breeds which are almost absent in Uzbekistan, I could not miss this one. A couple of breeders in the country offer "Korean Hanhyap", describing them as productive, with a good number of eggs per year and a hefty weight. I hatched several chicks this year; sadly, I messed up the incubator settings, so I only have eight chicks, but I hope it will be enough to come to some conclusions re their productivity. However, I am quite puzzled about the breed. Does it even exist? When I google them, I find extremely scarce results and most of those are from Uzbekistan (like they were invented here), several from Russia (even a PhD thesis on raising Hanhyap) and almost nothing in English. Can't search Korean, frankly it is too much trouble.

So I will just attach photos of the parents and then a photo of my chicks, and will appreciate your comments. Frankly, I suspect they might be descendants of RIRs or maybe even Lohmann Browns? What are your thoughts?

(The enigmatic red chicks are shown with my pure and mixed Jerseys; all of these chicks are 9 weeks old, and sorry about the quality).


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UPD: Can you imagine, I googled them once again and found a Korean breed called Hanhyup-3-ho, so it must be it, but still very little info. Let the thread stay, I am interested to hear your views anyway, they are still enigmatic to me. My chicks are not large at all at this time, don't seem to be fast growing at all.
My search for Korean Hanhyap pop out some recipes with a traditional korean herb

Anyway, the adults looks like a sort of Rhode Island, as you previously said

Aren't their crosses giving you satisfaction in terms of growth? What about the eggs?
My search for Korean Hanhyap pop out some recipes with a traditional korean herb

Anyway, the adults looks like a sort of Rhode Island, as you previously said

Aren't their crosses giving you satisfaction in terms of growth? What about the eggs?
Right, Hahnyap isn't a breed, but Hanhyup is (or a cross).

What I am growing now isn't their crosses, they have Jersey sires and different mothers (Kuchinsky and Amrock and also what I suspect to be descendants of Lohmann Brown). With these young Hanhyup I will need to wait and see. They aren't growing very fast though.
have you tried the yandex website? https://ya.ru/
you put in a picture and it looks for matches; more likely to find relevant (eastern) results for you than a west-based search engine perhaps. Maybe you can work with the Russian original, otherwise google will translate for you.
have you tried the yandex website? https://ya.ru/
you put in a picture and it looks for matches; more likely to find relevant (eastern) results for you than a west-based search engine perhaps. Maybe you can work with the Russian original, otherwise google will translate for you.
Huh, thank you for the suggestion! Haven't used Yandex for years, but now I will give it a try.

This is a new photo of one of the pullets. 1715756569163.png

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