Sexing/Breed Questions (Sapphire Gems? / Baby chick crew! Bonus, DUCKS!)


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2024
Hi guys!! Im whiskey, Chick momma with adult money! Im VERY excited to start my flock again, this time with my own little ones to experience this! Lets get into what this post is about! Sexing and Breed questions!

So i know its gonna a be a while before we really know what these guys are. I absolutely have assumptions but the mixed feedback on True Sapphire Gems Barred vs Laced wings, Stances, Wing and tail feather length, its got me totally confused.
As we get close to their adolescence, I will continue to post more photos of them, the littlest ones and the ducks. Not all of these birds have names yet so if you have any ideas post them down below!!

Let's start with the Sapphires. These girls are 2, to 2. weeks old as of 4/26/2024, 1-6 are all, according to our local feed store, Sapphire gems I dont know much about this breed, other then they are sex-links, but i dont think these guys are true SGs.
they were about 3-4 days old when i got them

1- Chickaletta, VERY questionable.
2- Unnamed, Questionable...
3- Chickpea? Unsure here
4- Unnamed - Pullet?
5- Unnamed - Almost sure pullet
6- unnamed - Possible Roo?


Now, mostly just for cuteness points lets talk the Babies we got!

Napoleon Bon-Appetit, (bantam?) #7 (90% sure its a Roo)
This lil guy earned its name by being the BOSSIEST bird in the group, attacking, jumping and being WILD since the moment i saw its lil self in the brooder before i bought. They have short little wings, all even length, plus the massive attitude; im guessing Roo.

Selkie, bantam? Unnamed, #8
This little black six toed fuzzball has been a very meek, but active chick. Nothing special, but very friendly and unafraid of me.
she or he was in the bantam box, but appears to be a selkie with six toes and very VERY small

Churkey The Turken, #9 maybe a roo?
Well. I don't know this one just so ugly i fell in love. Loudest chirp longest chirp. Does not shut up.

Unnamed Black Turken, #10
Read above statement

Bluey (production Blue)
My 4 yo named this one. Very active, Very loud.

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NOW, we move on to our little duck family; These guys are also two weeks old. As an experiment we bought three ducks. This is not something ive never done before, so i did some research and am doing what i can to give my lovely duckies a good life.
Here are some photos.

Drake the Drake AKA Superbowl, #1
This guy is 2x the girls size others size

Diggy #2
LittleFoot #3

What do you guys think?

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So at the end of all this now are we? No. Now i have questions!!
How much space will the coop need? Im ideally going to part time free range, and part time in the run/coop. The area we live is FULL of things that want to eat our birds! I stopped raising them back in 2019 due to a devastating coop invasion by neighborhood dogs. They literally TORE the coop apart. What's the best way i can predator proof for very large, strong and intense predatory dogs, coyotes, etc. Will skunk eat chicks? How long do i have before the coop needs to be finished? Is brand new wood safe? i've heard you need to use some kinda treated or used wood for coops? Will I be able to freely breed these guys all together? I don't want to really intervene in natural reproductive act, Will the small females be in danger if mated with by larger roo? CAN i even house them together?
Will the Drake harm the Hens?

I'll try to answer as many questions as possible!
Let's start with the Sapphires. These girls are 2, to 2. weeks old as of 4/26/2024, 1-6 are all, according to our local feed store, Sapphire gems I dont know much about this breed, other then they are sex-links, but i dont think these guys are true SGs.
they were about 3-4 days old when i got them

1- Chickaletta, VERY questionable.
2- Unnamed, Questionable...
3- Chickpea? Unsure here
4- Unnamed - Pullet?
5- Unnamed - Almost sure pullet
6- unnamed - Possible Roo?

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If these guys really are Sapphire Gems, then they're all pullets, not doubt about it. Males will be barred, and females are solid. If they're not, then it's too early to tell gender for sure. At about five or six weeks is when you can accurately tell for most breeds. For Silkies or Polish it takes a little longer.
Now, mostly just for cuteness points lets talk the Babies we got!

Napoleon Bon-Appetit, (bantam?) #7 (90% sure its a Roo)
This lil guy earned its name by being the BOSSIEST bird in the group, attacking, jumping and being WILD since the moment i saw its lil self in the brooder before i bought. They have short little wings, all even length, plus the massive attitude; im guessing Roo.

Selkie, bantam? Unnamed, #8
This little black six toed fuzzball has been a very meek, but active chick. Nothing special, but very friendly and unafraid of me.
she or he was in the bantam box, but appears to be a selkie with six toes and very VERY small

Churkey The Turken, #9 maybe a roo?
Well. I don't know this one just so ugly i fell in love. Loudest chirp longest chirp. Does not shut up.

Unnamed Black Turken, #10
Read above statement

Bluey (production Blue)
My 4 yo named this one. Very active, Very loud.

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It's definitely too early to tell gender with these guys, all you can do is guess at this point! Number 7 might be some sort of d'Uccle bantam, I see a single comb, muffs, and feathered feet, but I can't think of what color it would be. 8 is a Silkie, definitely.
NOW, we move on to our little duck family; These guys are also two weeks old. As an experiment we bought three ducks. This is not something ive never done before, so i did some research and am doing what i can to give my lovely duckies a good life.
Here are some photos.

Drake the Drake AKA Superbowl, #1
This guy is 2x the girls size others size

Diggy #2
LittleFoot #3

What do you guys think?

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I have no experience with ducks, so all I can say is how cute they are!
So at the end of all this now are we? No. Now i have questions!!
How much space will the coop need? Im ideally going to part time free range, and part time in the run/coop. The area we live is FULL of things that want to eat our birds! I stopped raising them back in 2019 due to a devastating coop invasion by neighborhood dogs. They literally TORE the coop apart.
Space requirements at minimum are 4 sq ft per bird in the coop and 10 in the run. Bigger is always, always better.
What's the best way i can predator proof for very large, strong and intense predatory dogs, coyotes, etc. Will skunk eat chicks? How long do i have before the coop needs to be finished? Is brand new wood safe? i've heard you need to use some kinda treated or used wood for coops?
I haven't heard that, and I built my own coop with new wood, and my chickens have survived so far. I've never heard of skunks eating chicks, but if a skunk can get in, many other things can as well. Ideally chicks can go outside at around five weeks of age, depending on the weather, so the coop would need to be finished pretty soon. The best way to predator proof is to use half-inch hardware cloth on anything you want to be secure. Burying a skirt of it around the edge of the run will deter most digging animals.
Will I be able to freely breed these guys all together? I don't want to really intervene in natural reproductive act, Will the small females be in danger if mated with by larger roo?
The only way to know is to try it out first. They're usually all okay.
CAN i even house them together?
Will the Drake harm the Hens?
Yes, the drake will harm the hens if he tries to mate with them, so they should always be kept separate.
I'll try to answer as many questions as possible!

If these guys really are Sapphire Gems, then they're all pullets, not doubt about it. Males will be barred, and females are solid. If they're not, then it's too early to tell gender for sure.
I did some digging with the feed store and the hatchery they go to. Spoke with the hatchery. they are NOT sapphire gems. they are Blue Plymouths according to them. So someone lied along the way BUT i dont really care, still my gorgeous babies. Now im vurious if those are sex linked barred or what!
I did some digging with the feed store and the hatchery they go to. Spoke with the hatchery. they are NOT sapphire gems. they are Blue Plymouths according to them. So someone lied along the way BUT i dont really care, still my gorgeous babies. Now im vurious if those are sex linked barred or what!
Blue Plymouths are sex linked, so those would still be pullets!

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