Kraienkoppe information


11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Bailey, Mississippi.
I was wondering if anyone could post photos of Kraienkoppes from Sandhill. Information would be nice too such as personalities, size, people who know the correct type (what was wrong with it?), where did Sandhill receive theirs from? Broodiness? Any other information is appreciated as well, I've been thinking of getting some Kraienkoppes and working with them. Even information on where I could find better stock would be nice too.

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Yeah, they are interesting birds from what I've seen and read. Just a little bit of information for anyone who maybe looking for them now, Ideal has some of the best stock and is cheaper. I've seen their stock and it matches or is better than Sandhills (though there may be difference's upon individuals, the breed needs quite a bit of work.)

Breeders who have this stock besides the above would be Craig Russell, President of the SPPA,

McLaughlin has them too, but not sure if he sells.

Sandhill's stock came from Craig Russell if I remember correctly, which was received from Horst Schmudde which is a old time breeder who imported many of the Oriental gamefowl to the United States. Whether he imported the Kraienkoeppe's or not I am not sure. Still not been able to get any yet, but in due time Lord willing.

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