L Shaped Coop


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 20, 2010
I'm in the researching phase of adpoting chickens... So far Ive decided to built the coop with a run around my shed in an L shape using the back & side of the shed as sides of the coop/run. Has anyone ever seen an L shapped coop/run?? Ive scoured the internet for pics of this but nothing! I havent decided if Im going to put the actual coop on the back or side of the shed... any ideas/suggestions?? thanks!
Someone asked this very same question a little while ago. I remember posting an answer to it. I can't find it, but here's one like it:


try that. I'm not very good at getting these things right, so if it doesn't work, go to the google search bar just above your post and search for L shaped coops.

What I remember saying was that an L shaped coop ought to work pretty well at giving you a little more fence line, since the shed would add some length.

ooooh, almost forgot!!
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So would the hen house part of the coop be attached to your shed? I'm picturing a layout similar to mine, but my hen house isn't built onto our garage. Anyhow, if that's what you're doing, it should save materials, since your shed will provide one wall of the coop/run...
OOOO!!!! YEA!!! Thats it... except on a WAY SMALLER scale... like 8-12 sq ft inside total & 12-16 total run....
That is in-line with what I have done. The coop is built off the back of my shed and the run comes up the side. I have since expanded as has my flock of girls has but it might give you some Ideas. Now the good part is I just took some new photos the tricky part is I will need to figure out how to get them into this thread.
I will try to get this done tommarrow as soon as I figure it out.

I think i figured it out and here is my coop/run.

There are two doors one behind the chicken-cabin and one you see that can be closed so the girls stay in the original run or I can let them out to the whole area. This has worked wonders to introduce new girls. The central area will be sodded with fescue this weekend to further rid the run of mud. They will have grass to eat and dirt in the two runs to scratch and have their dust baths when I am at work.



This is the newest addition because of rain...rain...rain and then mud. It keeps their dirt prime for their dust baths.
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Yup. We built an L shaped shed way before we had chickens. Now, there is an 8x8 side and an 8x12 side, and both have pop doors that open into separate pens. One side houses my BBS Orps, my crippled rooster, a broody pen and a hospital cage. The other side has a 5 ft storage area when you enter double doors then the Barred Rock coop is in there. Will see if I can find pictures of it.

Here's the breeders coop:





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