Laree's "I CAN'T STOP MYSELF FROM HATCHING!!!" Hatch-a-long


Easter Hatch!!
10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
Hello Fellow Hatchaholics!

As the Easter Hatch rolls up, some of us hatchaholics find ourselves scrambling to fill the lonely gaping void that is our incubators.

Do you hear yours calling to you too? Does it cry out for eggies?

Then join us.....join us.....

We'll have some informal contests, and then do a drawing at the end where I will give away a chickbator. The winner can keep it for themself, or they can give it to an unsuspecting friend and spread the hatching addiction like wildfire!


Week 1 Contest: Funniest Chicken Picture CONTEST CLOSED
To win: Post your funniest chicken picture in this thread. At contest close, we'll open a poll so BYCers can vote for their favorite picture.
Contest Mod: ChickenAlgebra
Prize: Chicken Bank-- so you can keep all the money you save by raising your own chickens!
Submit by: May 13, voting closes May 15th at midnight.
WINNER: Jennifersmith326
Runners up: BHEP, Wolftracks, ma2babygurls13, SuperChemicalGirl

Week 2 Contest: Best caption contest CONTEST CLOSED
To win: Take your favorite chicken picture and add a caption at After you have created your picture, post it to the thread. All entries must be appropriate for the forum and follow BYC rules for posting.
Contest Mod: LareePQG
Prize: Metal Chicken Decoration
Submit by: May 20th, voting closes May 22 at midnight.

To Win Do you have pictures of that fuzzy chick that turned into that awkward half fuzzy, half feathered "teen"? Do you have pictures of a turkey with a face that only a mother would love? Well post 'em here! For the week three contest submit a picture of a bird that you own (can be a turkey, chicken, duck etc) that can only be described as visagely (Yup I made that up) impaired. Just post your picture on the thread and I will put it on the contest page once I build it. You can start posting your pictures now.
Contest Mod: Dsqrd
Prize: The prize will be (and I quote Miss Laree) "some random hideous lawn art".
Submit By: May 27th of this month and the winner will be announced on the 29th.

If you feel like joining us in this informal hatch-a-long, fill out this form .

You can spy on your fellow Hatchaholics Semi-Anonymous Participants here.

So join us!

I'll update this post as needed!
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Can it count that I farmed out 48 eggs to a school to hatch for me?

Can I count the ones I already set?

Can I count the ones that are already hatching?

Well I have some being shipped to me, I also joined the May swap and so those will be coming in the next few weeks, I want to set some more of mine...then maybe some others. Oh and I have some in the bator on about day 14. Hmmmm doesn't seem like enough.
Let' say...anything already cooking or set before the 14th of May. Loosey Goosey with the rules here, since we aren't trying to all hatch at the same time this run.
I'll join in! After the Easter hatch I wasn't going to hatch for awhile but I had 30 or so duck eggs just calling to me and I want to see if my chicken eggs are fertile sooo in the incubator they went. I set them on April 30. I'll have to get a count when I get home.

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