large netting for roof


14 Years
Mar 19, 2007
I am planning on expanding my flock in the next couple months. I was thinking about making my coop bigger, moving it to tractors in my gardens and several other ideas are being tossed around.

I do have a large area about 15x20' that is already bordered on 3 sides by a buildings and fences, so it could be sealed up pretty easy. I was wondering if anyone had a lead on large sturdy netting to make a roof with.

Does anyone know where i could get a large 20x20' sturdy netting? Would prefer larger holes so leaves and sticks and the occasional mango can fall through as it would be located under a mango tree. Nylon or some other synthetic material that withstands constant sun & salty conditions would be even better. I have thought about using 6x6" concrete reinforcing wire that I can get in 6' wide rolls, but I thought one huge net might be easier to work with.

Thanks & Aloha,
thats about the right idea, but I think I would need way too many hammocks. The ones I used for camping were like 6' long by 3' wide. So I would need like 15-20 of them.

I was thinking like a military cargo or camo netting. Something like they hide tanks and artilery with and can stick branhes and brush in for camo. I just can't find it online.

First timer....awesome, thanks that is exactly what I was looking. Now I just add that to the ideas and try and figure out what I'm going to do.

Thanks & Aloha,
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Go to a net company. Be it fish netting or stadium type netting. You can get single sheets in widths up to about 120 feet.

I did my aviary (30x40) with fairly heavy gill netting myself. It held up flawlessly for many years, until I took down the aviary.
I bought netting for the top of my run from ebay and i have no complaints. Be sure to order a larger size than you need. It may say it is 20 x 20 but it may be 22 x 18 or so.
Do you need to cover the top to make it into coop space--and therefore, predator proof at night? Or do you need to cover it for day run use--just predator proof for daytime. If all you need is daytime protection I have a suggestion. We cover day runs with strong fishing line. We simply staple it to the top of fence posts and crisscross it until it covers the space. The holes are big enough for leaves, branches, etc to fall through. But it keeps the hawks out (our daytime concern). And it is attractive b/c you can't really see it. Some people will use this method and tie strips of flagging tape to the line so hawks know it's there and stay away. I think the flapping tape would scare the poultry plus I know the hawks can see it without it. When we have babies in the run, hawks will cruise over a lot. They will also sit in the closest tree and watch. But they've never tried to charge the fishing line so I'm sure they can see it.

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