Larkwell Valley (2023)

So this is Knuckles.

She was one of the frostbite victims during winter, and ended up losing 7 toes, and the toenail on the 8th back toe is looking like it may or may not die off still.

Normally I'd cull because, well, she has one toe left. But watching her walk, you wouldn't have any idea that she is missing that many toes until you grabbed her and looked at her feet. She even has learned where she can or cannot roost with her handicap.

She will not ever breed because of how much the snow affected her, and will likely just be a spinster with my two other retired hens.
No DoAs. Hoping they just pass out under the heat lamp for 4 hours until I can get back home to check on them again. Looks like I got everything I ordered, but I didn't do an actual head count. I also don't know what they mysteries are yet. They're all banded, so I just have to look at the cheat sheet on the site.

Rusty absolutely did not like them. He saw the first one and started roaring and screaming and growling. Don't think I've ever had a bird that upset.
Is there a specific reason? I'm just not sure about changing zipties alevery few days. I don't want to stress them out
Because they're not sturdy, the ducks will have the fuzz pulled off in no time flat, they'd come off and maybe get eaten... I'm sure there are other reasons if I had time to think about it.

Why would they need to be changed every few days?
Because they're not sturdy, the ducks will have the fuzz pulled off in no time flat, they'd come off and maybe get eaten... I'm sure there are other reasons if I had time to think about it.
Okay, I guess that's fair
Why would they need to be changed every few days?
Because they grow. The bands already seem a bit tight that they came with

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