Larkwell Valley (2023)

It certainly shows that looks can be deceiving. Makes me rethink which extra araucana to keep. I have one running around that's very large, and he was destined for the table, but he might be the better one to keep
Heritage birds are so much harder to fit into cooking pots made for “chickens.”
The legs don’t fit.

I cooked it yesterday, but boiling him was the wrong way to go. It was pretty bland.
Heritage birds are so much harder to fit into cooking pots made for “chickens.”
The legs don’t fit.

I cooked it yesterday, but boiling him was the wrong way to go. It was pretty bland.
We have to get a larger killing cone. Ours was bought with bantam Cornish in mind, so almost none of our standard males fit in it and we have to just hold them when killing
3 more males to go before I go on a vacation. I'm trying to cut down single cages as much as I can before my watcher comes to make it easier on them for food and water. If I can do more than just those 3, I'd be happy, but at least those 3 need to go
Mini Moonies

And One Leg's chick. Unfortunately, this means One Leg isn't pure pea comb like she should be
So today I learned why you should never kiss your duck on the bill.

I've been extra attentive to my half blind one since that happened, and she love, love, loves her bad eye to be scratched, as well as the black ring on her head. She'll turn her head and start grooming your arm as well and be just oh so happy.

Well, I picked her up and was just being silly and cooing at her and I went to give her a little peck on the bill and she latched on and started grooming my lip.

Duck kisses hurt!!
@Canadian Wind ,I know my scovies are still rather young, but do you think if I got weights on them if they might show males versus females? Or is weight irrelevant now and just go off of frame size?
From what I've read, you should be able to tell by weight. Just remember that nothing is 100% guaranteed.

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