Larkwell Valley (2023)

Auntie once again lives up to her name. She has one chick of her own, about 7 or so days old, and took in a very injured chick (3 weeks~) last night. It was Golden Child's and scalped itself horribly, as well as other things, yesterday when it tried to squeeze through two cage panels. Somehow he seems to be doing good now though, but I really thought I would have to euthanize it when I realized it was still somehow alive after getting it out of the cage.

Very shy, but considering the ordeal I put it through trying to save it, I can't blame him. Still unsure if it has vision I one eye, it was open for the first time tonight
Awww, the poor dear! Hope it makes it! Did you put any ointment or anything on the wound?
No, I really should have, but at the moment my only thought was to stop the head wound from continously dripping and making sure he came out of shock so I could evaluate him and see if he had any hope of making it. Ended up with a make up cotton pad being held to the exposed scalp (those are awesome little things if a bird won't stop bleeding. I've used them for head wounds, spurs that get knocked off, umbilical injuries at hatch). All but what was scabbed to has been removed, and I'm watching for when its safe to remove the rest. Normally I would have used a feather to scab with, but normally the bird isn't in shock amd circling the drain either.

Golden Child did great her first clutch, and never lost one baby. This clutch is less than a month and she's lost 2 (one got in the duck pen, where A$$hole likely got to him, and this one that I gave to Auntie) out of 8.

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