Larkwell Valley (2023)


@Canadian Wind , is there a way to tell muscovy and mules apart? I know that the scovy babies have a hook that domestics don't, but what about mixes?
None of my Mules had any red on their faces. They were also very quiet for the longest times and then my boys would let out the hiss of the male Muscovy and my girl could quack but only when scared or excited. She also let out other stranger sounds at times. She hangs mostly with the Muscovy Ducks that I have and is Queen of the Duck pen as she eats the most lettuce and bosses all of the rest of them around since she is so huge. The Males got rehomed since they over mated my other hens and were so large. They have the heads of their Mother Rouen Ducks and the beautiful gray bodies of their huge Muscovy Dad.
None of my Mules had any red on their faces. They were also very quiet for the longest times and then my boys would let out the hiss of the male Muscovy and my girl could quack but only when scared or excited. She also let out other stranger sounds at times. She hangs mostly with the Muscovy Ducks that I have and is Queen of the Duck pen as she eats the most lettuce and bosses all of the rest of them around since she is so huge. The Males got rehomed since they over mated my other hens and were so large. They have the heads of their Mother Rouen Ducks and the beautiful gray bodies of their huge Muscovy Dad.
Any differences when they were ducklings?
Any differences when they were ducklings?
They grew very fast and got huge in what seemed no time at all. My Hen is almost the same size as my Drake was that I kept. She even got part of a ring around her neck which made me think at first she was a Drake. I knew by the color of the eggs that they were mixes as my smaller green eggs had come from my Mallards and the big white eggs were from my Rouen Ducks. The Mallards had a mallard they mated with and the Rouen Ducks were mated by my big Muscovy Drake.
Look at these two ladies

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