Larkwell Valley (2023)

I love blue flowers.

You have to be careful ordering seeds or plants label as having blue flowers. Many are purple. I like purple flowers too just don't list them as blue and they are really purple! That's wrong and disappointing.
Blue is just the word for purple flowered plants. I don’t know why. Purple is my favorite color. That said, I’m still disappointed when I ordered blue and get purple.
Purple is unique though, one of the rarest colors in nature. Sure blue “pigment” is rare but the sky is blue and blue jays are blue through iridescence, but name one common purple bird?
I dunno, these look pretty blue in the pictures
I dunno, these look pretty blue in the pictures
Sometimes I think some sites/catalogs tweak the color a bit on blues. Not all. Don't let it scare you off. Sunlight intensifies color some too.
I've had dark pink plumeria bloom light pink if the blooms formed early in less strong sun. Hibiscus, too.
Sometimes I think some sites/catalogs tweak the color a bit on blues. Not all. Don't let it scare you off. Sunlight intensifies color some too.
I've had dark pink plumeria bloom light pink if the blooms formed early in less strong sun. Hibiscus, too.
Yeah you gotta look the variety up online to see if it is true blue or blue as in purple.
Moved Cochin Mama's daughter last night. That bird is loud and she is dumb. I seriously had wanted to keep her, but I'm worried she might be a headache waiting to happen if I do
I have my one Khaki Campbell Duck that can wake up the neighborhood with her big mouth. Especially at midnight, then 2:30 AM then 5 AM when I leave the house. I am surprised my neighbors haven't asked me to get rid of her but none of them seem to mind, thank heavens. What kind of bird is it that you have that is so loud?
I have my one Khaki Campbell Duck that can wake up the neighborhood with her big mouth. Especially at midnight, then 2:30 AM then 5 AM when I leave the house. I am surprised my neighbors haven't asked me to get rid of her but none of them seem to mind, thank heavens. What kind of bird is it that you have that is so loud?
She's a little bantam cochin. Her mama just makes loud babies. You move them and they're just screaming as loud as their little lungs can get, even when you muffle then and shove their head into an armpit or elbow. So silly since mama is pretty chill with people, and their daddy isn't too bad either.

It was pitch black when I was trying to move her last night. She got loose and instead of trying to just go in one of the multiple open pens, she kept trying to just run through the fence and into the fields. Finally got her and the neighbors probably went to bed thinking something was in the coops killing birds
I have my one Khaki Campbell Duck that can wake up the neighborhood with her big mouth. Especially at midnight, then 2:30 AM then 5 AM when I leave the house. I am surprised my neighbors haven't asked me to get rid of her but none of them seem to mind, thank heavens. What kind of bird is it that you have that is so loud?
My KC is the loudmouth of the ducks though too
My KC is the loudmouth of the ducks though too
It's funny because the first one I got as a baby was as quiet as could be. This one came from Craigslist at 3 months of age and about broke our eardrums all the way home from where we got it. I should have known then why it was on Craigslist, lol. She gets my youngest female Fawn and White Runner Duck quacking along with her and they try to see who can be the loudest. I never knew a duck could be so loud. They sure are funny little creatures.

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