Larkwell Valley (2023)

Free shipping is a plus! I’m going to guess that the original breeder wasn’t huge on breeding show quality traits. The bodies are more slender and bills look a bit longer (especially the pic of the whites, as whites are more popular for shows and more selective breeders work hard to get “the look” with whites) But the colors look very nice, well-bred for consistent/proper color distribution, so that’s nice! The pastel pair is beautiful!
looks like the breeder was Emily from Johnson's Waterfowl. The name sounds familiar, but it could just be because I've read the email so many times
I have so many now and they all run together, so cross colors get unpredictable. Yet I still get beautiful regular colors too. So a variety of your favorites would be fine if you don’t care about mixing the varieties. Snowy is more complex genetically, and introduces some interesting genes when mixing, but I personally love the snowys.
My dream pen right now for calls would honestly be a mixed color pen, preferably more breeder (but not necessarily show) than pet quality in terms of bills and size. I think the 4H kids around here would be good buyers, especially the younger ones with a smaller duck. I know that a lot tend to start with true bantam chickens so they're small enough to handle
In case you want to play with the genetics, this calculator is good
looks like the breeder was Emily from Johnson's Waterfowl. The name sounds familiar, but it could just be because I've read the email so many times

My dream pen right now for calls would honestly be a mixed color pen, preferably more breeder (but not necessarily show) than pet quality in terms of bills and size. I think the 4H kids around here would be good buyers, especially the younger ones with a smaller duck. I know that a lot tend to start with true bantam chickens so they're small enough to handle

If you’re ok with the price, I don’t see any red flags for not ordering some. Unless someone else notices something that I didn’t.

The pastels are really pretty. I like the muted colors a lot, I'm noticing. The penciled, well, it's that gosh darn duck lacing again. That's the reason I have a khaki and Rouen too

Speaking of lacing, I have this adorable little girl that just hatched last June. I’m not sure what her color is called, I know she has some chocolate genes, but I’ve been taking pics of her almost daily lol. She is growing out really pretty. I wish I was sure about who her parents are

But overall, you think that the price point isn't too crazy, @WVduckchick ?
I’ve seen much worse pricing!

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