Last eggs day 23, when to help or call it quits?


Mar 21, 2024
Hello, I've been incubating some shipped eggs that I set on 3/7. Out of 24 eggs 15 made it to lock down, 5 hatched on the night of 3/28 within a few hours of each other, 2 more hatched later that same night. I assisted one more 3/29 that was stuck and came out with sprawled legs and labored open mouth breathing. That one is doing okay but I'm not too optimistic, I'll be giving it some extra TLC if it makes it through the night.

So the eggs in question have not pipped internally from what I can see but they are wobbling when I shine a light on them and have been doing so for a couple days now. There are 4, maybe 5 that look like they are still with us but 2 have been set aside as I can see some fluids moving around inside when candled. If I counted right it is day 23, nearly day 24 and I am starting to worry. Temp is ~100 give or take a few decimals and humidity is 70. I read you shouldn't make a safety hole until they internally pip but it would really suck if they all died because I did nothing at all to help. 3 of these eggs are mixed colors of marans and I was really looking forward to raising some. Any advice?

My current plan is to wait till tomorrow morning/afternoon and if there are still no pip I start making the safety holes and maybe even start chipping away at the air cell to see if the blood vessels have dried up or if they are shrink wrapped.
Well I drilled holes at the air cell end, turns out there were 3 well developed chicks though ones had not absorbed the yolk sack. Sadly they were all already gone :( From what I could see it looked as though 2 were upside down in the egg so perhaps they could just not pip the shell and suffocated. Wish I had opened them up last night now but what can you do? I put them and all the shells in the garden.
Well I drilled holes at the air cell end, turns out there were 3 well developed chicks though ones had not absorbed the yolk sack. Sadly they were all already gone :( From what I could see it looked as though 2 were upside down in the egg so perhaps they could just not pip the shell and suffocated. Wish I had opened them up last night now but what can you do? I put them and all the shells in the garden.
Thank you for following up and letting us know!

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