Last two chicks made it (pics)

4-H chicken mom

15 Years
Aug 3, 2007
Oberlin, OH

The final two bantam buff brahma cochins made it this morning. I still had to help the one on the right. The shell was crack all the way around but the membrane was stuck tight. These two babies are alot smaller than the one that died. I guess two out of four isn't too bad. One egg didn't make it past 10 days when it developed a red ring.


Resting comfortably.
They look good - congrats. I love the feather duster too - neat idea. I ended up putting one of my sons stuffed animals in the brooder with my chicks. It's amazing how they all cuddle on it.
That feather duster is a good idea!! Heidi - you said that they like to cuddle against a stuffed animal. I remember in grade school (1960's) we watched a film on baby monkeys. Some of them had a "wire mother" and some had a "towel mother". It was supposed to prove that the monkeys were better off with the "towel mother".

I'm sure today that film would be banned at school because it was tantamount to abuse. I felt sorry for the wire-mother monkeys.
They stilled showed it in my highschool just a few years back.I forget what the point of showing the film was, as it didn't fit the lesson at the time. I think we may have had a sub, and the film was to keep us busy until the teacher could come back. Any four year old could tell you cuddling a blankie is better than cuddling some wire. It seemed like a pointless experiment.
Thanks for the idea with the feather duster. I think I'll try it next time I have a small hatch. Precious babies!

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