Laying eggs ???


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 6, 2013
I am new to chickens so please bear with me ... I have 1 hen about 18 1/2 weeks & 1 hen 16-17 1/2 weeks ... they start laying eggs around 20 weeks, right? Is there anything I should do? Any change in behavior? Anything ???
When pullets are about to start laying, you'll notice that they'll begin doing the "egg squat". When you walk near the chicken, it will put it's elbows out and squat down. Once your chickens start this, you'll be seeing eggs soon there after. After they lay their first egg, it's time to change their food to "layer feed". It has a higher calcium content. Most commercial feeds are actually deficient in calicum and you will need to add an additional source of calicum (oyster shells). Put them in a separate bowl for them, always readily available and they will only eat what they need. I'm sure you have the nest boxes ready for them. You might want to place a fake egg in your nest boxes. Other than that, it's business as usual with a wonderful eggtastic present every day (depending on the breed). Keep in mind that just like humans, animals mature and develop at different rates. 20 weeks is just an estimate (and different breeds have different egg laying ages). It may be sooner or later. It'll be worth the wait though. Enjoy!!


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