Laying Hens and chicks for sale! Arkansas, UPDATED, broody orp.

Just thought I would throw this out there after reading through this post.

It wasn't actually AI. It was antibodies of a different strain, not the "AI". Please dont get confused, there are several different strains, and some that have been around for a while before all this outbreak over seas. I understand how cautious people are with this, but please read up on it and learn from the research that has been done. The strain that was found in West Fork was something that happens more often than people realize, it was just blown out of proportion by the media.

Here is an article that explains exactly what they found in West Fork...
I have 9 hens I'm looking to sell, 3 EEs, and 5 brown egg layers (one each of buff orp, black astralorp, silver laced wyandotte, black star, and red star(?)), and one silver spangled hamburg. The oldest ones are just now a year old and all are laying good! $10 each.

I also have 2 blue andalusian pullets 3-4 months old. $5 each.
**do you have any left? are you in Arkansas?

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