Leaky Bum & Missing Neck and Butt Feathers


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2022
Hello, I’m a first time chicken mom. I know that chickens go through a molting phase, but how long does it take for the feathers to grow back. These ladies still have a feathers missing from the neck and butts. I also noticed the neck and butt one of them is turning red. A few weeks ago I found blood on some of the eggs and now one of my chickens has clear liquid leaking from her butt. I can add pictures later. Her butt is stained with white stuff also… Help me please!
It's sounds like gleet.
What do you feed you girls, how big is there coop and run and how many do you have?
Can you get pictures of the bare areas?
Hello, thanks for responding. I had 5 now 4. One passed away while I was out of town working and my dad was caring for them. I agree with you! I feed them organic feed from tractor supply, grit, oyster shell, fruits, veggies. When I give the girls water I always add ACV, my dad doesn’t. I just gave them garlic, herbs, mixed in Greek yogurt today. I also added Rooster Booster Vitamins& Electrolytes with Lactobacallus to the water. I soaked girl with the leaky butt in warm water with epsom salt and cleaned her butt and sprayed it with Heal Xcel poultry spray.
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Hello, thanks for responding. I had 5 now 4. One passed away while I was out of town working and my dad was caring for them. I agree with you! I feed them organic feed from tractor supply, grit, oyster shell, fruits, veggies. When I give the girls water I always add ACV, my dad doesn’t. I just gave them garlic, herbs, mixed in Greek yogurt today. I also added Rooster Booster Vitamins& Electrolytes with Lactobacallus to the water. I soaked girl with the leaky butt in warm water with epsom salt and cleaned her butt and sprayed it with Heal Xcel poultry spray. View attachment 3058242View attachment 3058243View attachment 3058245View attachment 3058247View attachment 3058250
I'm sorry about your hen, that's always a sad thing to loose one.
Do they have any where to dust bathe in? How big is that area they are in? What is the protein content of their feed?
The area looks a little small for them, if it is, they could be picking each other out of stress. Ideally, it should be at least 4 sq foot per chicken in the coop and at least 8 sq foot per chicken in the run. If the protein of the feed is too low low, that can also cause picking and too little protein can make it hard for new feathers to grow back. I'd cut out all the extras, the rooster booster, acv, (especially the acv, since in the amounts it would take to give any benefit would be far past palatable for chickens) garlic, supplements, etc since those things really shouldnt be given more than 10 days in a row. Anytime you add extras to the water you must provide a seperate waterer with plain water. The leaky butt could be too many watery fruits and vegetables (fiber plus water equals a mess), their vents look a little swollen and discolored, I'm not familiar with that symptom.
Try some organic grower feed, with about %18-%22 protein to help them regrow feathers and general health since the standard %16 protein is the bare minimum they need. They also could have mites, since the balding areas are where mites often get bad. Wipe your hand under their roosts at night, it it comes back pink or red, you have mites. Get some poultry dust with permrethrine, and dose accordingly. Pleadr don't use diatomaceous earth, it really doesn't work and it can cause respiratory problems for anything that breathes it. It's really hard to say from just pictures. I hope someone with more experience with vent issues can give input.

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