leg color genetics?

If I remember correctly....I have had blue legged pullets hatch from a willow legged male crossed to a white legged female. These offspring can carry the yellow legged gene and the males can also carry the blue legged gene from this cross.....These crosses were with Pyncheons. The females get the dark pigment (Blue-slate) from their fathers. The males have to have the blue-slate color from BOTH parents to show up....same goes for the willow color legs in males....BOTH parents have to have willow legs or blue carrying yellow to get willow colored legs. The females only need to get blue from their fathers and yellow from BOTH parents to have willow legs. I hope this helps....
well i was starting to get it but i'm almost back at square 1... I will be working with araucanas, and i need to breed for willow legs. What i'm trying to figure out is if i breed 2 willows together will i get all willows or is there something else that could be lurking in there? Sounds like both yellow and white can be a pain to get rid of, white most of all. Slate... well its in there somewhere hehe
Willow to willow = willow willow males to yellow females = yellow legged males that carry blue and willow legged females....does this help? Yellow to yellow = yellow
My book contains 49 pages just on shank and foot color. Even a synopsis of the information would be difficult to explain on this forum. If you can find a Backyard Poultry Magazine Volume 2, Number 6 Dec 2007/Jan 2008 issue- I wrote an article for that issue on leg color.

pips&peeps :

Araucanas are supposed to have yellow skin, so you should be getting yellow or willow legs in all your offspring if they are pure.

Yellow legs are common occurrence but the standard calls for green, so i need to work at breeding that to code
W+/? id+/(id+) = slate
W+/? Id/(?) = white
w/w id+/(id+) = willow
w/w Id/(?) = yellow

Id is sexlinked. Inhibitor of dermal melanin.

White or yellow legs can be darkened by things like extended black.
This will give you white or yellow soled shanks. Eg australorps and Jersey giants.

Sexlinked barring and mottled on the other hand suppress this dark pigment.
Does this sound/look right to you?

* Near Black with white soles W+,Id,E

* White Shanks and Feet W+,Id,e+

* Black Shanks, White Soles W+,id+,E

* Blue Shanks,White Soles W+,id+,e+

* Near Black with Yellow Soles w,Id,E

* Yellow shanks and feet w,Id,e+

* Black Shanks with Yellow Soles w.id+,E

* Green Shanks with Yellow Soles w,id+,e+


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