Leg injury

The foot looks good, But the infection needs to be treated or it can get into the joint, bone and bloodstream.
I am not sure if iodine will help. Is a vet not an option?
The foot looks good, But the infection needs to be treated or it can get into the joint, bone and bloodstream.
I am not sure if iodine will help. Is a vet not an option?
The vet is an hour away so it could be but they're always booked out a month or longer. For an emergency visit they tell me to call first thing in the morning and MAYBE they can get me in and it's a charge of $300+
It's so expensive but honestly, I don't know if this can be treated at home.
Will they let you send pics to the vet and see what they think could be going on? If they will get as good a quality pic as you can so the vet can really see the swelling.
It's so expensive but honestly, I don't know if this can be treated at home.
Will they let you send pics to the vet and see what they think could be going on? If they will get as good a quality pic as you can so the vet can really see the swelling.
Ooooh good idea I can ask! I'll give a call tomorrow and ask if it's something they can do
Let us know what they say. :fl
Welp. They said they couldn't get a hold of any of the Drs. right away but to leave a message. Someone called back just to tell me they'd have someone call me but maybe they can see what needs to be done via photo. I emailed the photos and got a reply saying responses to an email can take 1-3 days and they only talk about patients that have been to the clinic. I honestly have no hope with this vet. I was actually able to get her to a position where I could actually SEE her leg. It looks to be the knee that's swollen. I found an article that arthritis in ducks is pretty common and usually followed by bumblefoot. I carried her over to our little rock garden pond that's about halfway unfrozen and she is having an absolute BALL😆 I've attached a photo and a link for the shirt article I found. Don't mind the dead stuff I'm in WI it's our first actual nice spring day.

http://www.duckdvm.com/condition/ar...e,degenerative changes or metabolic disorders.


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What a pretty place for her. I bet she enjoyed it.

Okay arthritis is something I do know about, My Muscovy drake injured his leg about 3 years ago fighting with my gander he limped on it ever since I tried baby aspirin for inflammation but he still limped then a friend on here took her Pekin to the vet with leg issues and the avian vet rec Cosequin so she started her on it and the difference was amazing so she told me about it even sent me some to see if it would help my drake well he's been on it probably close to a year now and hasn't limped in about 6 months. It's in powder form so what I do is he loves dry dog food as a treat so I put a small amount of dry dog food in a bowl sprinkle the Cosequin over and add a small amt of warm water so it mixes well then I leave it till the water is absorbed I then take it out to him, of course, he thinks he is so special since he gets his own treat in a bowl and everyone else has to eat theirs off the ground. Might be worth trying, But I am still worried that the infection maybe in her joint in her knee now. Does her knee area feel hot like inflammation is in there? or red at all? This is what I give my Drake he weighs around 15lbs so he gets close to a tablespoon sprinkled over his treat.
What a pretty place for her. I bet she enjoyed it.

Okay arthritis is something I do know about, My Muscovy drake injured his leg about 3 years ago fighting with my gander he limped on it ever since I tried baby aspirin for inflammation but he still limped then a friend on here took her Pekin to the vet with leg issues and the avian vet rec Cosequin so she started her on it and the difference was amazing so she told me about it even sent me some to see if it would help my drake well he's been on it probably close to a year now and hasn't limped in about 6 months. It's in powder form so what I do is he loves dry dog food as a treat so I put a small amount of dry dog food in a bowl sprinkle the Cosequin over and add a small amt of warm water so it mixes well then I leave it till the water is absorbed I then take it out to him, of course, he thinks he is so special since he gets his own treat in a bowl and everyone else has to eat theirs off the ground. Might be worth trying, But I am still worried that the infection maybe in her joint in her knee now. Does her knee area feel hot like inflammation is in there? or red at all? This is what I give my Drake he weighs around 15lbs so he gets close to a tablespoon sprinkled over his treat. View attachment 3454139
Oh that's so awesome! There is no redness or bruising but the 'swelling' is hard not squishy so I'm not even sure I should call it swelling at this point. No redness or bruising. The vet did actually call back but they were booked out about 3 weeks. They had an emergency appt available but it would cost $400 just for the appointment plus $100s more for whatever else they needed to do. I made the non emergency appointment but they also gave me a list of other vets. I called the closest one to me ( which is still an hour away but I will absolutely make the drive) and they have an appointment for tomorrow!!!!!! She said they've taken on 3 more avian vets!!!! I will definitely post an update. 😄 Fingers crossed its very minor and she recovers!🤞🤞🤞
That’s great you are able to get her in tomorrow look forward to an update!
Alright we are back from the vet! Little Miss Peachy Pie has Synovitis an infection in her knee joint which is followed by bumblefoot and common in ducks. I noticed the bumble foot first because of her limping and her knee swelled later. He said Baytril was the correct medication to use, however, the kind I had was not quite the right mixture. He gave me more enroflaxacin (baytril) with meloxicam that I am to give her for 7 days. I'm also going to keep him updated on any changes. If there is no change in 7 days he'll prescribe me something else that I can pick up at my local pharmacy and if THAT doesn't help then we're looking at x-rays, needles to drain fluid and sending it out for cultures. Fingers and toes crossed it doesn't get to that. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

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