Leg Meat For Enchiladas

Oregon Blues

8 Years
Apr 14, 2011
Central Oregon
Nobody in my family will eat the drumsticks, so those always go to the dogs. Chicken legs are "too slimy" and "to many tendons and icky stuff".

Well, darn it. All that work to raise and butcher chickens and then feed it to the dogs?

I took out a package of legs and put them in the crock pot with an onion and a sprinkle of season sail., I had to add a cup of water because they just don't give off a lot of juice while cooking. Cooked until they were falling apart and then I picked all the bones and tendons and gristle out of them.

The meat was fabulous. I am always amazed at how much better home raised chicken is than store bought. It's not the same stuff at all.

I got a huge pile of meat from 6 legs. The legs are huge with great big chunks of meat on them. Enough meat to make 2 great big pans of chicken enchiladas. My family that won't eat the drumsticks scarfed down an entire pan of the enchiladas. I had to grab the second pan and get those enchiladas frozen, or I think they might have been eaten, too.

The broth from the legs was superb, and that went into the enchiladas, too.

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