Leg problem


5 Years
May 5, 2019
Got a 4-5 week old cockerel that's got a problem with standing and walking. Went out to the cage one morning where I'm keeping mom and babies and found this one on its back covered some in shavings. Currently have the lot in a cage on the porch since the broody coop got damaged by a fallen tree. I took the male out and looked at it some. It had no issues sitting in my hand other than shaking legs. Put it in a separate cage beside the mother. Noticed when it tried to move around it would wobble, collapse, and have a lot of difficulty walking. When it's sitting which is most of the time now either it's on its side or has a specific leg jutting forward or back. I thought maybe a broken leg so I touched around both legs and put them through a range of motion with no signs of pain. I assume maybe it's a vitamin deficiency so I've got it's water with vitamins. Its eating and drinking like normal. Had someone in a group on FB think it was wry neck since he's flopped on his back a few times but I wouldn't think it is since the head is being held normal when upright. Also did a grip test and he isn't gripping on a finger with either foot. He's been like this about a week now. In the pics you can see his leg both forward and back. Y'all got any ideas as to what's wrong?


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What's his diet? He likely has wry neck, give him 400i.u vitamin e and a third of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks. You can get these at the grocery store.
What's his diet? He likely has wry neck, give him 400i.u vitamin e and a third of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks. You can get these at the grocery store.
His diet is nature wise chick starter and grower plus durvet vitamins and electrolytes Which I only just started adding to the water maybe a week ago. What's your suggestion on how to give him the vit b and e?


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