Legally Selling Chickens, Meat, and Eggs Southampton Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania

You should check into your state and local regulations for selling poultry and poultry products. Most states have specific regulations about selling different things, for example egg sales are often allowed from private vendors but meat is a whole different story.
Gee, I don't know...seems there have been a lot of people selling pot (not me, of course) for decades in spite of local, state, and federal regulations to the contrary. Guess they just found willing buyers and engaged in voluntary, consensual, mutually satisfactory economic exchanges....
Because selling meat products is a food safety issue, the regulations can be very strict.
One way you can get around issues like that is to sell people the bird before it's processed, then they pay the processing fee in addition to buying the bird.
I'm new to having chickens. According to ordinance, I am not supposed to sell chickens or byproducts. Anybody else's township have these rules. What's required to be able to do so? 🤔
Yes, not common, but not unique. Plenty of places don't allow the keeping of chickens at all. Depends on the specific ordinance, and the likelihood of success in seeking an exemption varies wildly as well.
Gee, I don't know...seems there have been a lot of people selling pot (not me, of course) for decades in spite of local, state, and federal regulations to the contrary. Guess they just found willing buyers and engaged in voluntary, consensual, mutually satisfactory economic exchanges....
While I get what you're saying, I can't afford to be fined IF* anything we're to happen 🤷‍♀️

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