Leghorn or California white? Or maybe something else?

Whatever color the feathers are now, there is a good chance that color will be present on the mature chicken.

I suppose it depends on what you mean by "yellow," but I would say some chickens are just as much "yellow" as other chickens are "red" or "blue."

Again, it depends on what you mean by "yellow" in chicks.

To my eyes, Buff Orpington chicks look yellow, and Wheaten Old English Game Bantam chicks look yellow, and neither of them grow up to be white.

I agree that Buff chickens look rather yellow at all ages.
Color is rather subjective because it depends on the person, so I can see where you are coming from. Personally I do not see buff chicks as yellow when they are young, probably because I tend to look at things too deeply. I think something like Buff Orpington chicks, which are yellow-ish with orange tones and darker colors, would not be really considered to having "yellow" down, but something with lighter yellow down with no dark markings would be considered "yellow" like Cornish Cross.
What did she end up being, as I got one that looks exactly alike... I hope it stayed yellow... it's my daughter's and that's what she wanted was a solid yellow.
I'm still not 100% sure what my chick is, still either a leghorn or California white. Going by her personality and how calm she is, I'd say a California white. Regardless what she is, she is absolutely one of my favorites out of all of my chickens, if I ever figure out 100% what she is, I would definitely get more like her.

My chick is now, I think, 11 weeks, she is solid white with yellow legs. She was fast to feather (compared to some of my other chicks), she's very curious and is always watching everything, always the first to try new things, like when I give them a new treat, most of the others won't try it until she does. She is just overall a really great chick, so hopefully yours has the same personality as mine, all of my kids love her, she's one of their favorites too (along with our buff orpingtons).
I'm still not 100% sure what my chick is, still either a leghorn or California white. Going by her personality and how calm she is, I'd say a California white. Regardless what she is, she is absolutely one of my favorites out of all of my chickens, if I ever figure out 100% what she is, I would definitely get more like her.

My chick is now, I think, 11 weeks, she is solid white with yellow legs. She was fast to feather (compared to some of my other chicks), she's very curious and is always watching everything, always the first to try new things, like when I give them a new treat, most of the others won't try it until she does. She is just overall a really great chick, so hopefully yours has the same personality as mine, all of my kids love her, she's one of their favorites too (along with our buff orpingtons).
Her name is Tweety and we think she is about 4 1/2 weeks old.. she is the tallest has yellow legs, lightish yellow eyes and creamy yellow white feathering. she is my daughter's chicken and seems to tolerate being held the best out of the 4 we got from TSC. I think she is developing a black spot on one wing. it will be interesting to see if she gets any others. The TSC Amberlink seem to be yellow and white... or black and white. Below is a picture of what it might end up looking like.
Her name is Tweety and we think she is about 4 1/2 weeks old.. she is the tallest has yellow legs, lightish yellow eyes and creamy yellow white feathering. she is my daughter's chicken and seems to tolerate being held the best out of the 4 we got from TSC. I think she is developing a black spot on one wing. it will be interesting to see if she gets any others. The TSC Amberlink seem to be yellow and white... or black and white. Below is a picture of what it might end up looking like.View attachment 3833740
Do you have a recent picture of her? I could be wrong, but I don't think Amber links have black spots, I thought they were white with amber/orange coloration like the one in the picture you posted.

California whites are supposed to have black spots. Smokey pearls is another that is white/off white with black spots. I also have a smokey pearl, she started out yellow with black spots, then turned white with black spots, she's now a very very light graywith black spots. She was supposed to be a pearl onyx but ofcourse TSC got that wrong too 🤦‍♀️but for the most part she looks white with black spots, but in the sunlight your able to tell that her white isn't as bright, especially when she is standing next to the CW/LH.
I'm sorry your tsc has lackluster staff but few things in life can be given a blanket statement.
If you order off of TSC website instead of purchasing in store, then, they will come straight from the hatchery to you, and they will be correct. It’s the store, not the hatchery that mixes them up, or at least by that overwhelming evidence.

TS is an ok place, but not for chicks unless you don’t mind not necessarily getting what you want including sex. If you just want chicks, then, yeah.

Edit to add: of course there could be exceptions with some stores. Odds would say there is. But, in general they have that problem.
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Do you have a recent picture of her? I could be wrong, but I don't think Amber links have black spots, I thought they were white with amber/orange coloration like the one in the picture you posted.

California whites are supposed to have black spots. Smokey pearls is another that is white/off white with black spots. I also have a smokey pearl, she started out yellow with black spots, then turned white with black spots, she's now a very very light graywith black spots. She was supposed to be a pearl onyx but ofcourse TSC got that wrong too 🤦‍♀️but for the most part she looks white with black spots, but in the sunlight your able to tell that her white isn't as bright, especially when she is standing next to the CW/LH.
Here is a picture of Tweety there is a very faint grey spot on one wing.. but the rest of her seems to be a yellow/white cream color... it is hard to see in this photo because she was taking a dirt bath... I'll get a better photo tonight.
Here is a picture of Tweety there is a very faint grey spot on one wing.. but the rest of her seems to be a yellow/white cream color... it is hard to see in this photo because she was taking a dirt bath... I'll get a better photo tonight. View attachment 3838053
She does look like what Cyndi did when she was younger. Honestly, may have to wait until she's older to really know forsure what she is. When she's older, her body shape and egg color will help alot to identify what she is.

Just out of curiosity, is she the same age as the other chicks in the picture? I only ask because she does look a bit more feathered than the others. Cyndi feathered faster than the other chicks her age and a couple that was a week older then her.
She does look like what Cyndi did when she was younger. Honestly, may have to wait until she's older to really know forsure what she is. When she's older, her body shape and egg color will help alot to identify what she is.

Just out of curiosity, is she the same age as the other chicks in the picture? I only ask because she does look a bit more feathered than the others. Cyndi feathered faster than the other chicks her age and a couple that was a week older then her.
Tweety is DEFINITELY older than the other chicks. I think she was probably 1 week old when we got her from TSC- making her about 4-5 weeks old now. Her and Dusty are the largest and their two friends that came from TSC were also about the same age- maybe 1/2 a week younger (they're named "Little T" and Shakira) Still working on the younger chicks names which were born the week of May5.

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