Leghorns & Privacy Fencing


5 Years
May 8, 2019
Palmetto, Florida
My Coop
My Coop
I have two 11 week old Leghorns and two New Hampshires. I keep them in a covered run during the day, but when I get home, I like to sit out back and let them "spread their wings" no pun intended.
My back yard has three different types of privacy fencing, all 6 feet in height. One side is vinyl privacy, one side is wood privacy with the good side facing (meaning no posts are exposed) and the other side is the other way around and the posts are exposed.
I have read many forums about Leghorns even with clipped wings being able to clear a 6 foot fence!
Even if I decided to clip wings, I'd like to take some preventative measures prior to them ever trying to fly over the fences, for there are dogs surrounding each side!
One of my cats likes to hop over the fence, so electrifying it is out of the question.
And because of deed restrictions, I cannot extend the height of my fence over 6 feet.
I was thinking of adding pieces of rolled up chicken wire to the inside tops of the fences?
or maybe adding L-brackets at the tops of the fence lines with bird netting strung over the tops?
I also seen a woman on a video add string lines, but never said if it worked or not
Has anyone here come up with a fence solution? If you have and could post a picture, that would be wonderful!
The pit bull next door broke though my old fence (which has been replaced with a new more secure fence) and attacked my other cat that never leaves the patio of our back yard. Thank goodness he was so fat and fluffy, he only ended up with a ton of stitches.
I really don't want to lose any of my girls to a dog because they thought the grass was greener.
Sorry this was so long, Thank you for any suggestions!
I had a Leghorn that would fly over a 6 foot wire mesh fence to get to another part of my yard, but she never tried going over the solid privacy fence into the neighbor's. I think she preferred to see where she was going. She could fly for about 40 ft too. After she was over a year old, she quit flying. Just my experience. I know this won't guarantee yours stay away from those dogs...

If wings are clipped correctly, it should keep them grounded. It's certainly worth the try if you are worried. Other than that, make the yard you want them to stay in as attractive as possible... yummy greens to eat, good dust bathing spots, trees and bushes to hide under, and most importantly, YOU, the dispenser of treats, will make them want to stay near. A handful of sunflower seeds, some kale, a little bird seed, watermelon rinds, cantaloupe guts... not too much, just a little surprise, and they will be your best friends and never want to leave home.

And they will follow you everywhere. :oops:
I had a Leghorn that would fly over a 6 foot wire mesh fence to get to another part of my yard, but she never tried going over the solid privacy fence into the neighbor's. I think she preferred to see where she was going. She could fly for about 40 ft too. After she was over a year old, she quit flying. Just my experience. I know this won't guarantee yours stay away from those dogs...

If wings are clipped correctly, it should keep them grounded. It's certainly worth the try if you are worried. Other than that, make the yard you want them to stay in as attractive as possible... yummy greens to eat, good dust bathing spots, trees and bushes to hide under, and most importantly, YOU, the dispenser of treats, will make them want to stay near. A handful of sunflower seeds, some kale, a little bird seed, watermelon rinds, cantaloupe guts... not too much, just a little surprise, and they will be your best friends and never want to leave home.

And they will follow you everywhere. :oops:

Thank you for your awesome suggestions! It really never occurred to me whether the fence was solid or not, and being able to see though it. I have only let them out of their run twice so far for a short period, and I do keep a fishing net handy just incase lol.

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