Lemon Cuckoo Orpington - Pullet or Cockerel?


6 Years
Jun 21, 2013
Hi folks, about a month ago, I traded a VERY beautiful buff over blue Cochin project boy for this Lemon Cuckoo Orp."pullet" because I can't have Roosters where I live. Now I thinking this one is a roo too. What do you think? This baby is 8-10 weeks old.


I think its very red in the face for a pullet that age. And the tail looks to have some roo feathers coming in, I'm going to guess boy. I would be careful with orpingtons though they are notoriously difficult to sex in their 'teenage' stage and I think its a bit mean of the person who traded it with you to say its definitely a pullet cus at that age its impossible to tell!
Its face is red, but its comb and wattles are small. It also doesn't seem to have the darker reddish places buff males have (hackle, saddle and wing area). It is still young though. I'd hold onto it for a while. Sorry, not much help :/
It is only 8-10 weeks though they take a while to start laying, I'm going to stick with boy I think although the face and body type says pullet!! I would keep 'it' for a while and see
Thanks for the quick replies! I see that this bird has you guys as confused as I am. I have looked at lots of pix and the LC Orp boys all have large combs and wattle growth by this age. This ones face isn't always so red, it was excited as I had just let them out. Still........

And you are quite right about the tail feathers, they are coming in long and much looser than pix of any young pullets I have seen. So I guess I will have to wait. Since I didn't want to bring home one smaller bird, I got this one with a baby buff Brahma. They are BEST friends. It will be so hard if I have to place another boy as it will leave the baby with no buddy.

I am a total newbie here and the project bird came from the breeder I originally got my chicks from. He was only a couple of days old and supposed to be a girl. LOL He is a gorgeous bird, but like I said, I can't have roosters, so I took him back to breeder and traded him for this little one, who the breeder said was for sure a girl. I am now thinking that he doesn't actually know as much as I first thought.
Just for fun, here is the Cochin I couldn't keep. He is about 12 weeks in these pix. Pretty huh?

And here is the baby Buff Brahma. Anyone think this one's a boy too?? (Please no!)


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