Les Farms - The Flock, the Farm, and lots of Pictures!


8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
Shediac Cape NB, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
I figured I'd start a thread to share images I've compiled of our flock, which includes:
  • Plymouth Rocks (Barred and Silver Pencilled)
  • Naked Necks
  • Pennies (Red Sex Links - Layers)
  • Silkies (Black, Blue, Splash, White and Partridge)
  • Frizzles
  • Mottled Houdans
  • Easter Eggers
  • and various mutts.

We also have four goats, an Alpaca, a single drake named Sweet Brown, and two geese.

This is our Farm, and we love it. We free range most of the birds (not some of the Silkies who can't figure out how to range safely).

We raise Cornish Crosses for meat every year and do it differently than 99% of those who raise them. They are not confined. They are truly free ranged, just like all the other chickens. We treat them with the utmost respect.

I want to make sure the food on my plate has lived a very good life.

I'll be posting LOTS of pictures, and updates.. :)
The Easter Eggers
We have a few Easter Eggers we breed to introduce colour into the egg basket. We aim for blue eggs with these guys. We leave the green eggs to the Naked Necks.

We also have Crested Easter Eggers - which should lay a turquoise coloured egg.

I'm sooo jealous!
Such a beautiful place you've got! Love ALL your animals too. Thanks so much for sharing. Enjoy them all.
Our Dogs.. Including Henry who is going to be our working farm dog when he gets out of his puppy stage. He's 9 1/2 months.

Henry with Rosie, our Miniature Poodle. Rosie is 11 weeks old in this picture :) She's 12 weeks old now.

Love my little girl!

"Did that pig just oink?"

We also have three FREE RANGE rabbits. They survive off the land through the summer months and are supplemented in fall/winter/spring.

Daisy Mae. Holland Lop

Daisy Mae's daughter, who has not been named. Any suggestions are welcome. She's a pretty girl!

Mother daughter bonding

Here she is again.

Rosie chicken watching


Here is a video of Henry with the chickens. Such a good boy!

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