Lethargic chicken drinking lots of water

It would be best to go ahead and treat her with Equimax equine paste containing praziquantel. I saw what I thought was segmented tapeworm in the photo but I couldnt tell if it was flat in shape, which would actually be a tapeworm. Wait 14 days after using the Equimax paste before eating the eggs.
Please post a photo of swelling below her vent. You might be dealing with Fly Strike.
She didn’t make it unfortunately. I took a quick peek at her vent and it was bloody and pussy, I’m not sure if it was egg bound or what but I don’t have the stomach to investigate further. Thank you so much for your help!
I agree that it looks like a tapeworm in the first dropping. Equimax 0.16 ml orally and repeated in 14 days would treat it.
I plan to treat the rest of my flock for tapeworms but how do you administer the paste? Maybe on a piece of bread & feed it to them? I just want to keep the rest of the girls safe.


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Probably tapeworm segments, maybe not moving since it has been there awhile.
I stand corrected, after watching for a longer period of time they are indeed moving. How many days do you suggest treating with Zimectrin? And is it only once a day? Again, thank you so much for all your help.

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