Lethargic chicken

Lou Lou Texas

May 14, 2022
My one year old Americauna isolated herself. I saw an egg nearby her. She was in the hay barn that we never really go to. I went back a few hours later to check on her. We got close and she didn’t run away. Then she didn’t move away when I went to pick her up. I was carrying her and she just laid her head down. When I set her down she fell to one side. I sat her back up and gave her food and water, which she didn’t take. Her comb is not pale. I don’t see any mites. Her crop isn’t full. I’m not exactly sure where to feel, but I don’t feel an egg as though she’s egg bound. She has a little dried drainage below her ear. That’s the only thing I could see. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Can you get some clear photos of her eyes?

You mention clear drainage below the ear - inspect her closely for any injury, cuts, abrasions, etc. around the head, neck, body, etc.

Sounds like she may have been injured, but hard to know until you look her over really well and let us know.

Work on hydration. Electrolytes or a sugar water to see if she will perk up. Once drinking, offer her wet or dry feed and she if she will eat for you.
Can you get some clear photos of her eyes?

You mention clear drainage below the ear - inspect her closely for any injury, cuts, abrasions, etc. around the head, neck, body, etc.

Sounds like she may have been injured, but hard to know until you look her over really well and let us know.

Work on hydration. Electrolytes or a sugar water to see if she will perk up. Once drinking, offer her wet or dry feed and she if she will eat for you.
Ty. She’s not eating or drinking. I put wet food in with her yesterday and electrolytes in her water. The only thing that felt different on her was her back lower end felt squishy.
Can you get some clear photos of her eyes?

You mention clear drainage below the ear - inspect her closely for any injury, cuts, abrasions, etc. around the head, neck, body, etc.

Sounds like she may have been injured, but hard to know until you look her over really well and let us know.

Work on hydration. Electrolytes or a sugar water to see if she will perk up. Once drinking, offer her wet or dry feed and she if she will eat for you.
Ty. She’s not eating or drinking. I put wet food in with her yesterday and electrolytes in her water. The only thing that felt different on her was her back lower end felt squishy.
Ty. She’s not eating or drinking. I put wet food in with her yesterday and electrolytes in her water. The only thing that felt different on her was her back lower end felt squishy.
She has a little dried drainage below her ear.

Can you please post photos of her eyes and below her ear and neck?

Did you figure out where and why the drainage is coming from?

Sorry she's not doing well. If she's unable to drink on her own, then you can syringe or tube fluids into her.

Can you get some clear photos of her eyes?

You mention clear drainage below the ear - inspect her closely for any injury, cuts, abrasions, etc. around the head, neck, body, etc.

Sounds like she may have been injured, but hard to know until you look her over really well and let us know.

Work on hydration. Electrolytes or a sugar water to see if she will perk up. Once drinking, offer her wet or dry feed and she if she will eat for you.

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