Lethargic Hen - No Egg, Funky Poo, Small Grainy Crop


7 Years
May 30, 2012
Delaware County, NY
Our 10 month old Rose Comb Brown Leghorn was in a nesting box Friday night as we were tucking the rest of them in for the night. She just wasn't herself, she was quite wobbly. She sits somewhat fluffed up and hunched with her tail feathers splayed out. She felt lighter than usual, though she's so petite anyways. There does not seem to be any swelling in her abdominal area - but in her 3 days inside she has not laid an egg. Her poo is watery with greenish pellet-looking chunks. Her crop is small, but a little firm and it feels like a rice bag, or as someone else said - a hackysack (not the size, just the feel).
She is not eating or drinking on her own. Actually, the first night I brought her in she did drink, a lot, but not since then. Last night I sat down with her on my lap and fed her plain greek yogurt and dropper fulls of Pedialyte. She seems alert, but still not quite herself.
Yesterday I did give her a nice long warm bath (she loved it!) and a nice blow dry. She seemed so relaxed, she even fell asleep!
I can get pix of her poo, if needed.
Any thoughts?
I gave her some more yogurt and Pedialyte this morning. The crop is softer and maybe a little less grainy - and, she poo'd a brown not-quite-formed poo! She's still not eating or drinking on her own, but does seem a little spunkier!

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