
Nov 26, 2018
Quesnel, BC
One of my gorgeous cream leg bar hens (5 months old): (video and pic attached)

I have her separate right now.

- was still in her coop - alone - just huddled sitting there

- not breathing funny at all no sounds

- no bubbles, no snot, nothing

- Can look around - but one eye closed.
Thought maybe she had something in her eye - but her eye looks fine.

- no interest in being active drinking or eating

- waiting to see if she will poop so I can take a sample to the vet.

One of my gorgeous cream leg bar hens (5 months old): (video and pic attached)

I have her separate right now.

- was still in her coop - alone - just huddled sitting there

- not breathing funny at all no sounds

- no bubbles, no snot, nothing

- Can look around - but one eye closed.
Thought maybe she had something in her eye - but her eye looks fine.

- no interest in being active drinking or eating

- waiting to see if she will poop so I can take a sample to the vet.

View attachment 1759383
I just lost a bird today who was anemic due to lice I wasn't aware she had. And she started like this. Check your girl over to see if she has lice or mites, see if she'll want to eat maybe some scrambled eggs.
Good luck.
She obviously doesn't feel well, and that's a concern. Chickens instinctively want to hide illness or injury, as they're prey animals, and a weak animal is a target for predators. That means once they start showing signs of feeling bad, it can be an emergency at that point.

First, get her hydrated. Mix some water soluble vitamins/electrolytes (Durvet has some that come in a jar with a measuring scoop) into her water, and take a dropper or syringe (no needle) and dribble it along the edge of her beak, if she won't drink by herself. Doing the dribbling along the beak will get some liquid into her mouth and she will instinctively swallow, yet you don't have to worry about aspiration that way. At some point, you need to check her over closely, looking for parasites or injuries, but the hydration is more important.

Then try to find a treat she will eat that will get nutrition into her, like scrambled or boiled and diced (even squashed) egg, mealworms, plain yogurt, applesauce, or oatmeal (top with some raw honey for an extra boost). Try some fruits or veggies, too, like strawberries, tomatoes, pepper(s), or something else brightly colored (red is best, as it's instinctively an interesting color to them).

With luck, getting some hydration and nutrition into her will perk her up. Let us know what her poo looks like, and if you get a fecal sample taken to the vet, and if there are signs of other parastites on her, or if you find a wound or swollen area, like her abdomen, or a joint, or a foot. Feel for a potential stuck egg, or a hot spot on a leg or wing, or any inflamed area at all. Check her eyes, ears, nares, and mouth for anything unusual, too. I hope you don't find any issues, but update us if you do.
How is your pullet at this time? I would give her 2 ml Poultry Cell or NutriDrench or some water with electrolytes. Has she been having any runny poops or any with blood? How is her crop feeling—empty and flat, full, firm, or puffy like a balloon? Is she able to walk around? Has she started laying yet? I would insert a finger inside her vent an inch or two, to feel for a stuck egg.
Definitely does not have lice. All my birds are treated for lice with pour on ivomec + they are all dewormed with piperazine dihydrochloride. They were treated for coccidiosis when they were chicks the lady I got them from did not use medicated feed and I had to treat them all, but now they are fine - I THINK!

I took a poop sample to the vet. I am attaching a photo here of her poop. I "think" I can see blood in it....so many different types of chicken poop - some of it out in the chicken RUN looks foamy yellowish (I attached a photo here as well)



** below this line are the other types of poop in my coop ** LOL!

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Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at 9.55.18 PM.png

CHICKEN CHICK Article On POOP! (kinda handy)

Oh man - I am learning a lot - but I hate having sick chickens - I just love them so much :(
Definitely does not have lice. All my birds are treated for lice with pour on ivomec + they are all dewormed with piperazine dihydrochloride. They were treated for coccidiosis when they were chicks the lady I got them from did not use medicated feed and I had to treat them all, but now they are fine - I THINK!

I took a poop sample to the vet. I am attaching a photo here of her poop. I "think" I can see blood in it....so many different types of chicken poop - some of it out in the chicken RUN looks foamy yellowish (I attached a photo here as well)

View attachment 1760177 View attachment 1760178 View attachment 1760179

** below this line are the other types of poop in my coop ** LOL!

View attachment 1760180 View attachment 1760181 View attachment 1760182

CHICKEN CHICK Article On POOP! (kinda handy)

Oh man - I am learning a lot - but I hate having sick chickens - I just love them so much :(
Me too, me too and me too! I'm sorry your lovely hen isn't feeling well, I'm pulling for her! :hugs
With the way she looks, so weak, I would not hesitate to treat with amprollium for coccidiosis. Of course that has to come from a vet in Canada. Some vets will prescribe sulfa antibiotics.
With the way she looks, so weak, I would not hesitate to treat with amprollium for coccidiosis. Of course that has to come from a vet in Canada. Some vets will prescribe sulfa antibiotics.

I am thinking amprolluim as well....i am just waiting for vet to give me details on stool sample. I think i am going to treat my entire flock.

Here is a photo of her poop here. From throughout the night...crapping in a bucket

Concerned about that orangey stringy shit

That is intestinal wall shedding, and if you see it more than once, I would go ahead and treat. I see it in healthy chickens occasionally, but if it occuring more, and the chicken is acting off, then treatinng for coccidiosis is wise.
@Eggcessive. HEY ALL!!!! Got the poop sample back - NO COCCI. one tapeworm egg. So that is good news. Also she is on the up and up and happy outside again.

Now unfortunately I am deadling with something else - possible Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) bacterium. It is the 'causative agent' of chronic respiratory disease and infectious sinusitis in chickens (from the chickens a so called FRIEND had) I am so incredibly dissapointed.

it seems it just one thing after the other!

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