Lethargic hen with diarrhea.. help please


Jun 16, 2021
My hen is about 2 1/2 years old, it’s winter right now but hasn’t been super cold, my hens comb has flopped over and I think it’s a little bit discoloured, she refuses to go out into the yard yesterday and just wanted to lay in the coop (she was also fluffed up when nobody else was) so I brought her into the house in a large plastic bin, she’s got food and water but she’s going through water like crazy, she’s eating a little bit but drinking a lot, and all she does is lay in one spot or stand for a few mins in the same spot, most of her poops have been just water but there have been a couple with substance. But she looks sad and I can’t tell what’s wrong with her, we also don’t have a vet anywhere near by she’s also making a lot less noise than normal
Ours easily get diarrhea just by drinking more than they eat. Have you tried making a small serving of hot mash out of her pellets? Sometimes that can entice them to eat a bit more.

I'm so sorry she's under the weather. 😞
Check her crop early morning before she eats to make sure that it is empty. What does it feel like now. Drinking a lot may point to a crop problem, and large amounts of drinking can cause diarrhea.
Check her crop early morning before she eats to make sure that it is empty. What does it feel like now. Drinking a lot may point to a crop problem, and large amounts of drinking can cause diarrhea.
It’s about 8:09am here right now, just getting light so I’m not sure if she’s eaten anything yet but as far as I can tell her crop isn’t empty
Does it feel full and hard, doughy, or puffy soft?
Was hard this morning I took her food to see if it empty’s, it’s soft now but not empty (4:30pm) but now she’s laying down and no matter what I do I can’t get her to open her eyes, but she’s still breathing I don’t know what’s going on but I think she will be gone by morning 😭
Can you get her drinking some water with sugar in it, or electrolytes, Gatorade, Pedialyte, etc? Try to get her taking fluids. I hope that she makes it through the night, and just seems weak. Chilled coconut oil cut into small pieces that she can peck, might help her crop to pass the blockage. Be care not to squeeze her crop if you pick her up, and don’t tilt her forward or down. That can force the food in the crop to come back up into the airway.
Can you get her drinking some water with sugar in it, or electrolytes, Gatorade, Pedialyte, etc? Try to get her taking fluids. I hope that she makes it through the night, and just seems weak. Chilled coconut oil cut into small pieces that she can peck, might help her crop to pass the blockage. Be care not to squeeze her crop if you pick her up, and don’t tilt her forward or down. That can force the food in the crop to come back up into the airway.
She was drinking lots of water up until now, her poops were becoming more solid but now she has layed down and won’t open her eyes anymore I’m not sure I’d be able to get her to drink or eat

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