Let's compare gas prices

We parked our desiel pickup. Who knows when we will be able to afford to drive it again. Desiel is up to 4.60 or so. We need it to pull our camper but at the price of groceries(they are going up too) it a toss up wether to buy fuel to pull the camper or buy food to put in the camper! We may be camping in our yard by the end of summer! Cheaper to air condition the camper than the house! My hubby has a commute that at this time cots $200 monthly in gas. He has an economic car for that trip. I make 1 trip tp town a week for groceries and errands. We also schedule all of our appts on that day. I thought about a part time job, but when I penciled it out, it would costs us more if I went to work. Theres the gas,we live 15 miles from town, so there would be lunches, more travel, less time to cook from scratch and clothes for work. Also we tend to spend money just being in town!! SORRY!! Didnt mean to rant I am just a little stressed out today!
And go back to horses and buggies...
I wanna horse!.. *stomps foot*
I gased up this morning before the gas went up and it was going up to $3.83 and Diesel is $4.61 or better. Thank goodness I gased up this morning. I don't remember what it was this morning.

I am so ready to start using my horse, but it would take me all day to get to work then to come home would take me another day.
It was $4.09 for the cheap unleaded here the other day... but I've seen it as high as $4.15... I heard it's going to keep going up.. I live in Amish country and see them driving their carts by my house all the time... they're probably having a good laugh about this one! I keep trying to convince the family that we need a horse and buggy and some dairy goats... but we only have 2 acres... Time to hitch up the rabbit and the chihuahua to the bicycle!

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