Let's Get Strippin' "Fabric Strip Swap" CLOSED

This is what Acre's wrote today on her bolg. I think you call it that.

Just got news Dr. Edwards got to look at one slide and said that there were very few Luekemia (sp?) cells in the blood smears....but it doesn't completely rule it out because the other slides could contain all the info needed. The biospy will take a couple of days...the special studies will or should be back tomorrow afternoon. As before she will receive more blood today. If the results come back as a viral supression she can go home but if it does come back as Luekemia they want her here so they could go ahead and start treatment.....only if needed
Acre, my families thoughts and prayers are with you. When it affects our children...that's the worst!

Ginbart, my squares were waiting for me when I got home from my travels. They are lovely, and of great variety. Thanks Ladies!

(strips, not squares) My head is not attached today.
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Here's an update,

Well, Heaven was sleeping so good until just before 6 a.m.the nurse came and tried to draw blood form the IV's but she was unable to do so. So they call a young man up form the Lab and he tried her right hand, had a good vein but then when the needle went in the vein dissappeared....but he was able to draw blood from her left hand. The IV in her right arm is basically considered "dry" so Lord willing they will be removing it today.

Another update, Wayne 'n' Angela Cobler
O.K. we just got the news....... Myeloid Leukemia..... she will have to take Chemo for about 6 months with the leukemia going into remission within a few weeks or less. A tough pill to swallow. Please keep praying the emotions are running high.

With the treatments she will have to be in the hospital for 3 to 5 days at a time once every 3 to 4 weeks.
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Lifting Acre, Heaven and her family up in prayer everyday.....God IS good.
I haven't been on in a few days..........I'm so sorry to hear this. Special thoughts & prayers to you & your family Angela.
I did chemo for six months in 2010. It really wasn't that bad for me. Hopefully it won't be so bad for Heaven too
They really take care of you when you do the chemo. I'll bet she'll be a real trooper and get through this without a hitch! Attitude is everything here!
I hadn't seen this either...prayers for the family. Would someone be so kind to PM me Acres Address and a linky to her blog. I would appreciate it.
Update as of 12-14-2011.....

As of today....We are on day 20 and Heaven has been here at the Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital for 3 weeks....In that time alot has taken place, starting with her diagnosis of...

--- Acute Myeloid Leukemia which is worse than the Chronic because it grows and spreads faster and has to be treated harder.

--- BP has been up and down due to the chemo...but has become more normal as time has went on, (has become more stable as time has passed.

---her temps are up and down....trying to keep them regulated

---She has had a Bone Marrow Biospy

--- 9 Blood Transfushions

--- 3 Platelet Transfushions

--- a Bone Marrow Aspirate

--- 2 IV's (1 in each arm) thay have been removed

--- a Pic-Line (to replace IV's)

--- 32 Chemo Treatments

--- a Echocardiogram

--- Feed Tube inserted because she couldn't eat due to rawness in her mouth and throat (caused by chemo)

--- she has had her finger poked

--- a Lumbar Puncture (aka Spinal Tap)

--- 10 Oral Meds

--- 4 nose bleeds

--- been Sedated 4 times

--- had a X-Rays ( for the pic-line)

---2 CT Scans to check for infection in her sinuses and chest (lungs)

---1 Ultra-Sound to check for any infections in her stomach, abs, kidneys, bladder, liver

--- 8 rough mornings in a row

WoW...I realize now that Christ has been here with us the whole time, because if not....I would have crumbled under pressure.
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