Let's play the d'uccle guessing game!

ginormous chicken

9 Years
Jan 18, 2011
Elverta, California
I have a 3 1/2 week old mottled black and white d'uccle that I got from iroquois egg. Is it pullet or roo roo?

Here it is at 1 week when I got the cute bugger from iroquois egg.

And now... at 3 1/2 weeks




So... what do you all think????
I've only raised 5 d'Uccle smyself, but they were slower to mature than the other chicks I've raised. I seem to recall that the little cockerels had developed red on their combs by around 5 weeks, though. I gave away one d'Uccle that I thought was a little roo based on the size and color of its comb at this age (compared with same age siblings, too!) and that one turned out to be a pullet! The other two suspected roos were in fact, roosters.

It's really hard to tell when you don't have any others the same age to compare. I guess you'll just have to cross your fingers and wait to see.

p.s. There's nothing about the comb development on this chick so far that indicates "roo" to me. I just think it's probably too early to tell.
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Okay I posted some pictures of Ginormous Chicken's new baby D'Uccle's flockmates. I kept these two for myself, because the black/white one was the runt of the group and my son always has a soft spot for them. The other one I kept because it had an all blonde head and the body was greyish blueblack..the eggs were black and blue mottled and she was the only one who wasn't black! I think now that they are pullets, from looking at the comb on yours GC. First hatch ever and pure luck that I may have kept 2 pullets! Woo hoo! But I wouldn't say Roo for sure on your little one just yet, yes the comb is bigger but I would still give it some time.

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