Lets talk about goats!

What are his herd conditions like, if he thinks lice are normal? Lice most certainly happen, but aren't the norm. Lice often are most common during fall and winter, though. They like it cool, not hot, so their numbers are lowest in the summer. And shaving really does help, but as you mentioned, it is not an option with this weather. He is spot on that ivermectin pour on works well to treat them. It is kind of like frontline in how it is applied, but a different medication.

You can also use a pyrethrin based horse fly spray. A water based one needs to be reapplied more often than an oil based one. And it needs to be applied enough times to kill the hatching eggs.

As for the bad behavior, you need to start enforcing limits for your goats, now. Start with a simple one, no jumping on humans. Also, no mouths on humans. Start with a simple tool, a squirt bottle each time they try to jump on you or put hair/clothing/whatever in their mouths. Sometimes you need to add a bit of vinegar to the water of the squirt bottle to make it a bit more noxious for them, hit them in the nose or on the ears, never the eyes. A squirt bottle is a kinder method than others out there to discourage them, if they will respond to it ( most goats hate water, some don't care though). My buckling who occasionally jumps up on me gets a (lightly placed) knee to his chest each time he tries. Or I grab his ear (goats bite each other on the ear as part of pecking order, I just grab it, he instantly gets the idea with no pressure). He is still small, but I will not stand for that behavior around any human. But I also reward him when he is being good. He doesn't get them unless he is doing what I want him to do.

Until they are more in line, do not sit down with them. Do not give them any treats unless all four hooves are on the ground and they are being good. Reward good behavior, if they are being quiet around you, give a small treat.

Okay so its similar to training a dog, reprimand bad behavior and give treats when.they are good. When I got.them they were shy but well behaved and then over the winter started jumping on me and eating me. When I go out to feed in the am ill immediately start with positive or negative reinforcement.
I have my dog trained not to jump or bite and it just didnt cross my mind that I could train the goats also.Thank you very much!
Here are my 4 goats, 3 dwarf Nigerian, and one wethered pygmy. They are enjoying the sun!
Gaston, the pygmy.
Jackie, dark doe Nigerian.
Boss, black buck Nigerian.
Stevie, light doe Nigerian.
Hey everyone! I have a really disturbing issue that has me extremely worried about the well being of my goats. It actually started before I even had them when I had a standard size mule, a donkey, chickens and ducks, and a pig. Someone has been coming out to my house, which is literally in the middle of no where, and playing little pranks on the animals. Well they started out little. The prankster would unlock gates, move leads, and let a bird out hear and there at first. But then they started letting out the pig, mule, and donkey too. As the pranks progressed they cost me my pig when he and the donkey were let out together and he was kicked. I also lost my donkey, but not from the pranks she was afraid of loud noises and we had a horrible storm pass through. The mule went into a depression and I rescued a pony from slaughter to give her another companion. The prankster ended up letting the pony out and he is gone. Has been since Sept. In July though my parents got me my goat Diesel for my birthday, and since he was just a bottle baby he lived in the house and slept next to me at night lol. My dad eventually made me sell my mule, they never got along and he said he didnt trust her. So, by the end of summer Diesel was my only animal left simce I had ended up
giving my chickens and ducks to a family friend whos daughter fell in love with them when visiting us. Well to get to my point when it was time for Diesel to go out we got him a friend so he wouldnt be lonely or freeze in our sub zero winter temps. So, we got Daisy who is 2, Diesel is 8 months now. When they first went out there nothing happened. But now the prankster is back. They have thrown Diesel into the outside part of the pen when our temperatures were -18°F . They have moved the food bins out of the pen, moved objects in the barn, and when I went outside tonight they had tied Daisy to the side of the pen shoved the door to the pen open, and Diesel was let loose in the barn,which had been ransacked. We have called the police, but they said there is nothing they can do since this person/persons has never taken anything from our property or left and evidence of who they are. I am so scared for my babies, we've put locks out there, left the dogs out with them, but this person keeps getting in. Any ideas on what I can do to keep my goats safe? My parents won't let me get a gaurd dog to stay out with them, because its obvious our currents dogs aren't doing very well at gaurding. I can't think of any other animal that would scare this crazy person away other then a lion. I am seriously worried for my goats and any suggestions as to what ii can do to keep them safe would be so greatly appreciated.
everyone has given great advice. I would do like they said and have the cars leave act like your home alone. Have dad with a shotgun filled with salt shot. Id fill them full of salt. Id be suspicious of all your neighbors especially their kids..definitely get the game cam on infrared. I almost forgot you can buy cheep motion sensors that you can hide inside your pens place them so when the gates or doors move they go off. Make sure they cant sense the animals movement. These are at most lowes homedepot type stores. The come with an alarm that plugs into an outlet in your house and will beep when the sensor is set off
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I have a problem. I had goats born early morning. I normally help them to get nursing when I stick them under there and maybe move the udder towards them they always nurse.this one baby I've seen her nurse just once when I did this she drink off one nipple and then went to the other and drink of it. Ive tried this several more times and she wont drink. Ive seen her try and completly miss the nipples then no effort after that. Ive seen her almost grab a nipple then sniff the hair on the end of it and turn away. Is it possible she is just full and maybe nursing when im not around. I went and bought a bottle and a colostrum formula and she won't drink that either. I've tried to open her mouth and stick it in her mouth and she just resist. should I worry should I trust she's eating when I don't see it. Should I take her inside and try to bottle feed her. I'm not sure she would even eat or drink that
My Mini Nubian doe had a beautiful doeling yesterday morning. She's gorgeous! Only problem is, momma has lice ALL OVER her udder, so now the doeling has them crawling everywhere in her fur. I know, I've seen them. It's gross. I've never had a problem with lice on goats. How do I get rid of them?


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