LF Cochins - good enough to keep/breed? Honesty needed...


12 Years
Hello all,

I got 6 each of LF Blue and Silver Laced Cochins this spring, and they are starting to show their adult feathering. I would like honest opinions of each set, to see if they're good enough to keep a trio of each for breeding purposes,
or whether they're only pretty foo-foo birds destined for the layer flock/freezer....

They all came from a young man just starting out, who swears they're from show-winning lines. I know, that means very little, which is why I'm here. I want honest critiques, because I don't want to be selling (censored) eggs or chicks to folks, and I'm still learning...

Silver-laced 1 - 6, 2 pics each:
Roo, no signs of vulture hocks, foot feathers pretty poor to nonexistent:

Roo, no sign of vulture hocks, also poor toe feathering.

Roo, showing hints of vulture hocks (what age can you be sure?), spotty toe feathering:

Probable pullet, no signs of vulture hocks, spotty toe feathering.

Roo, no signs of vulture hocks, spotty toe feathering:

Pullet, no signs of vulture hocks, toe feathering decent:

Blues 1-6, 2 pics each:

Roo, no V Hock, spotty toe feathering:

Roo, showing vulture hock, slight gold tint to head and hackles, but excellent toe feathering:

Pullet, no v hock, but poor toe feathering:

Pullet, no v hock, nice toe feathering:

Probable roo, showing signs of vulture hock, spotty toe feathering:

Pullet, showing signs of vulture hock, good toe feathering:

Any and all helpful critiques appreciated. Even of my descriptions - if I've described them wrong, etc.,
please tell me I'm a dufus that needs to learn a lot more... not that I don't already know that.


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