LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I am. Nice to meet you! Me and my lil family, husband and toddler, live in TX and I have horses and chickens. Anywhere from 30-100 at a time, but that’s mostly to raise meat birds. I have about 25 layers. We are actually going to expand our meat bird side just a little bit to officially raise meat for our family and friends that want to pay us for it.

There is just all kinds of reasons why people find commonality amongst each other. If it were just as simple as being a chicken keeper, there would only need to be one forum.

there are countless threads that discuss husbands, spouses, etc., and because we live in a heteronormative culture, you don’t see those as advertising a sex preference, but that’s exactly what they are doing. You just don’t notice because it’s an ingrained perspective in our society. No one pops on those to ask why sexual preference is being advertised or why anyone needs to know the OP is straight...

Interestingly, and back on topic, my entire chicken keeping journey, especially my meat bird journey, has been an attempt to reclaim a path of my life I tried to have from a young age. Unfortunately, because I felt stigma and pressures and did not feel like I appropriately fit in with the Ag crowd growing up, I’m 20 years behind where I should be. Maybe that’s better said as where I “could” be, because it’s important to be grateful for our journeys wherever they lead.
Very well said.
Btw, I'm a bit (more-or-less) past middle aged, white, straight, and fairly conservative. I'm not at all offended by a LGBT thread. We have threads for pretty much everything on BYC and it's always good to listen to someone else's view point. I read pretty much everything that pops up and may pop in to read again. Enjoy your thread. Merry Christmas.
Old straight guy wanting to jump in to say that there are times when humans are horrible to one another and it's easy to be discouraged and there are times when some simple acts can restore our faith in humanity. This thread has been the latter for me.

I saw a bully or two jump in early, that the moderators, and most other BYC members, shut down. And I saw some that had an opinion, but as the thread progressed, their opinion changed as they learned more about why the OP wanted to start the thread, and how their experience as a member of the LGBT community had them fear or avoid an agricultural education / lifestyle / career because of perceived worry that the Ag community would reject them, which is heartbreaking. Interestingly - the Ag community was prejudged in this case as a group - though some who've had personal experience with the Ag community had found acceptance.

As a straight man - I'll never know your pain and struggle. But I have friends that are gay, one who's transitioning (sorry - she'd kill me if I used the wrong terminology here), Former coworkers and employees, etc. I am saying this not to say I'm enlightened - but to share one old guy's point of view though life experience: Most people prejudge against groups, but not known individuals. As people of different communities / tribes get to know one another - you become defined as an individual, not by the tribe. This thread brought people together.

But as a retired former corp exec - I also wanted to weigh in on a comment about discrimination in the work place because of outspoken points of view. There used too be a saying: don't discuss politics, religion or sex in "polite company." Getting into any of those 3 in the workplace is still going to get you in trouble - and freedom of speech doesn't apply at work. In today's social media world - even stuff you say online can cost you a career. There has not yet been a case referred to the supreme court (at least at the time I was still working) in which on line opinions impacting workplace "freedom of speech" restrictions had been challenged.

I think some of the initial comments on this tread were because we older generation people were drilled on the "don't discuss" politics, religion and sex stuff throughout our lives - and misunderstood that the OP was discussing community - not one of the above forbidden topics.

I've thanked this community many times for the help and support for this newbie chicken guy. Today I want to thank the OP for the bravery of asking to be heard in search for community. I also want to say that watching this thread progress has been great to see as the chicken community learned to be more accepting of other points of view.

old man ramblin's.....
Old straight guy wanting to jump in to say that there are times when humans are horrible to one another and it's easy to be discouraged and there are times when some simple acts can restore our faith in humanity. This thread has been the latter for me.

I saw a bully or two jump in early, that the moderators, and most other BYC members, shut down. And I saw some that had an opinion, but as the thread progressed, their opinion changed as they learned more about why the OP wanted to start the thread, and how their experience as a member of the LGBT community had them fear or avoid an agricultural education / lifestyle / career because of perceived worry that the Ag community would reject them, which is heartbreaking. Interestingly - the Ag community was prejudged in this case as a group - though some who've had personal experience with the Ag community had found acceptance.

As a straight man - I'll never know your pain and struggle. But I have friends that are gay, one who's transitioning (sorry - she'd kill me if I used the wrong terminology here), Former coworkers and employees, etc. I am saying this not to say I'm enlightened - but to share one old guy's point of view though life experience: Most people prejudge against groups, but not known individuals. As people of different communities / tribes get to know one another - you become defined as an individual, not by the tribe. This thread brought people together.

But as a retired former corp exec - I also wanted to weigh in on a comment about discrimination in the work place because of outspoken points of view. There used too be a saying: don't discuss politics, religion or sex in "polite company." Getting into any of those 3 in the workplace is still going to get you in trouble - and freedom of speech doesn't apply at work. In today's social media world - even stuff you say online can cost you a career. There has not yet been a case referred to the supreme court (at least at the time I was still working) in which on line opinions impacting workplace "freedom of speech" restrictions had been challenged.

I think some of the initial comments on this tread were because we older generation people were drilled on the "don't discuss" politics, religion and sex stuff throughout our lives - and misunderstood that the OP was discussing community - not one of the above forbidden topics.

I've thanked this community many times for the help and support for this newbie chicken guy. Today I want to thank the OP for the bravery of asking to be heard in search for community. I also want to say that watching this thread progress has been great to see as the chicken community learned to be more accepting of other points of view.

old man ramblin's.....
Old straight guy wanting to jump in to say that there are times when humans are horrible to one another and it's easy to be discouraged and there are times when some simple acts can restore our faith in humanity. This thread has been the latter for me.

I saw a bully or two jump in early, that the moderators, and most other BYC members, shut down. And I saw some that had an opinion, but as the thread progressed, their opinion changed as they learned more about why the OP wanted to start the thread, and how their experience as a member of the LGBT community had them fear or avoid an agricultural education / lifestyle / career because of perceived worry that the Ag community would reject them, which is heartbreaking. Interestingly - the Ag community was prejudged in this case as a group - though some who've had personal experience with the Ag community had found acceptance.

As a straight man - I'll never know your pain and struggle. But I have friends that are gay, one who's transitioning (sorry - she'd kill me if I used the wrong terminology here), Former coworkers and employees, etc. I am saying this not to say I'm enlightened - but to share one old guy's point of view though life experience: Most people prejudge against groups, but not known individuals. As people of different communities / tribes get to know one another - you become defined as an individual, not by the tribe. This thread brought people together.

But as a retired former corp exec - I also wanted to weigh in on a comment about discrimination in the work place because of outspoken points of view. There used too be a saying: don't discuss politics, religion or sex in "polite company." Getting into any of those 3 in the workplace is still going to get you in trouble - and freedom of speech doesn't apply at work. In today's social media world - even stuff you say online can cost you a career. There has not yet been a case referred to the supreme court (at least at the time I was still working) in which on line opinions impacting workplace "freedom of speech" restrictions had been challenged.

I think some of the initial comments on this tread were because we older generation people were drilled on the "don't discuss" politics, religion and sex stuff throughout our lives - and misunderstood that the OP was discussing community - not one of the above forbidden topics.

I've thanked this community many times for the help and support for this newbie chicken guy. Today I want to thank the OP for the bravery of asking to be heard in search for community. I also want to say that watching this thread progress has been great to see as the chicken community learned to be more accepting of other points of view.

old man ramblin's.....
I'm a Gen x'er so I'm in the dont discuss generation but also there's no need to jump on someone right out the gate. I consider myself pretty conservative but who an I or anyone else to judge. As said live and let live. And believe me I've had my fair share of love letters from moderators lol
Old straight guy wanting to jump in to say that there are times when humans are horrible to one another and it's easy to be discouraged and there are times when some simple acts can restore our faith in humanity. This thread has been the latter for me.

I saw a bully or two jump in early, that the moderators, and most other BYC members, shut down. And I saw some that had an opinion, but as the thread progressed, their opinion changed as they learned more about why the OP wanted to start the thread, and how their experience as a member of the LGBT community had them fear or avoid an agricultural education / lifestyle / career because of perceived worry that the Ag community would reject them, which is heartbreaking. Interestingly - the Ag community was prejudged in this case as a group - though some who've had personal experience with the Ag community had found acceptance.

As a straight man - I'll never know your pain and struggle. But I have friends that are gay, one who's transitioning (sorry - she'd kill me if I used the wrong terminology here), Former coworkers and employees, etc. I am saying this not to say I'm enlightened - but to share one old guy's point of view though life experience: Most people prejudge against groups, but not known individuals. As people of different communities / tribes get to know one another - you become defined as an individual, not by the tribe. This thread brought people together.

But as a retired former corp exec - I also wanted to weigh in on a comment about discrimination in the work place because of outspoken points of view. There used too be a saying: don't discuss politics, religion or sex in "polite company." Getting into any of those 3 in the workplace is still going to get you in trouble - and freedom of speech doesn't apply at work. In today's social media world - even stuff you say online can cost you a career. There has not yet been a case referred to the supreme court (at least at the time I was still working) in which on line opinions impacting workplace "freedom of speech" restrictions had been challenged.

I think some of the initial comments on this tread were because we older generation people were drilled on the "don't discuss" politics, religion and sex stuff throughout our lives - and misunderstood that the OP was discussing community - not one of the above forbidden topics.

I've thanked this community many times for the help and support for this newbie chicken guy. Today I want to thank the OP for the bravery of asking to be heard in search for community. I also want to say that watching this thread progress has been great to see as the chicken community learned to be more accepting of other points of view.

old man ramblin's.....

This is a beautifully written addition to the thread. Thank you for pointing out my own stereotyping of the AG community, I’ll avoid doing that in the future.
Good afternoon. I hesitantly popped into this thread in fear of what it might be, but found myself pleasantly surprised. On that note, I'll say hello, I'm Colt. I've lived in Texas my whole life and had poultry on and off since I was very young in addition to a lot of other pets and livestock. Currently I am breeding Silver-laced English Orpingtons, as well as Recessive White, Chocolate, Blue, Black, Splash, and Lavender. I also have a pair of American Buff Geese and a single Blue Slate turkey. As one of my roommate's has expressed interest in the chickens I will hopefully be getting her a few pairs of Seramas to enjoy once it's warmed up.

I'm currently working at a University in their IT Department and am trying to get up the nerve to begin pursuing my Masters (yes that's plural) degrees, after a dismal first semester. I'm also getting back into breeding exotic finches and small hookbills again after a couple of years without any. The house I'm living in currently has the perfect space for an awesome bird room and I miss working with them.

I am happy each of the people who have posted so far have felt comfortable enough to share a part of themselves that many don't want to see. I am also pleased to see people with enough courtesy to be gracious and accepting of a lifestyle that they may not be as acquainted with.
Wow that sounds AMAZING! I'm about to start on my first Masters, so kudos for the multiples!
I second that! I'm super proud of this community right now. It actually makes me a bit sniffly. And I am super grateful for all the people of different opinions that saw the post and thought "hmmm... maybe I should just pass on that one."
They won't see this, but that is a mindset I'm trying to improve on. If I don't agree--I don't HAVE to join in.

I also appreciate all of you straight/cis people who aren't LGBT and are being supportive anyway! You are SUPER awesome and very very appreciated. <3
:frow Been reading through your thread, though I am straight myself, you all sound like wonderful people. I hope for you all to get through your struggles, I understand this struggle as I had been bullied in high school for not supporting the community, of course, I support the people and love them like any other person. Don't let anyone ever put you down, you're loved and you're human, just like everyone else here. :hugs
I'm a straight cis-gendered old broad. I don't have the same struggles. I've got my own. But if you want a buddy, I'm here for you.

AND I'm happy to have read my way through and seen you found some folk who know what you deal with as well.

It's all good and I'm proud of the folks here who recognize that!
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